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BFC Structural Steel and Timber Design

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1 BFC 43003 Structural Steel and Timber Design
CHAPTER 2: CONNECTION BFC Structural Steel and Timber Design Assoc. Prof. Dr. DYeoh 2014

2 Course content Assoc. Prof. Dr. DYeoh 2014

3 Outline of lecture Example of connections Purpose of connection
Welded connection – general information Bolted connection – general information Design examples of bolted connection and welded connection Assoc. Prof. Dr. DYeoh 2014

4 Example of connections
Assoc. Prof. Dr. DYeoh 2014

5 Beam-column with end-plate bolted connection
Beam-column connected to column flange Beam-column connected to column web Assoc. Prof. Dr. DYeoh 2014

6 Beam-column and beam-beam bolted connection
Use of END PLATE Beam-column and beam-beam bolted connection Detailing to steel-concrete composite floor Assoc. Prof. Dr. DYeoh 2014

7 Use of END PLATE Assoc. Prof. Dr. DYeoh 2014

8 Assoc. Prof. Dr. DYeoh 2014

9 Beam-column with web cleat bolted connection
Assoc. Prof. Dr. DYeoh 2014

10 Beam-column with fin plate bolted connection
Assoc. Prof. Dr. DYeoh 2014

11 Beam-column with seating cleat bolted connection
Bolt in tension Beam loaded vertically Bolt in shear Assoc. Prof. Dr. DYeoh 2014

12 Assoc. Prof. Dr. DYeoh 2014

13 Assoc. Prof. Dr. DYeoh 2014

14 Beam-column with welded connection
Assoc. Prof. Dr. DYeoh 2014

15 Classification of connection
Assoc. Prof. Dr. DYeoh 2014

16 Force transmission – simple design
Splices Force transmission – simple design Moment connection – continuous design Moment and force connection - continuous design Assoc. Prof. Dr. DYeoh 2014

17 Simple method connection frame
Semi-rigid method connection frame Rigidly connected frame Assoc. Prof. Dr. DYeoh 2014

18 When is it a ROLLER connection? Or when is it a PINNED connection?
Or when is it a RIGID/FIXED connection? Assoc. Prof. Dr. DYeoh 2014

19 Can the connection resist (1), (2) and/or (3)?
Think of… TRANSLATION VERTICAL TRANSLATION HORIZONTAL ROTATION Can the connection resist (1), (2) and/or (3)? Assoc. Prof. Dr. DYeoh 2014

1. TRANSLATION VERTICAL 2. TRANSLATION HORIZONTAL 3. ROTATION Which can this connection resist? Is this a PINNED or RIGID connection? Assoc. Prof. Dr. DYeoh 2014

1. TRANSLATION VERTICAL 2. TRANSLATION HORIZONTAL 3. ROTATION Which can this connection resist? Is this a PINNED or RIGID connection? Assoc. Prof. Dr. DYeoh 2014

1. TRANSLATION VERTICAL 2. TRANSLATION HORIZONTAL 3. ROTATION Which can this connection resist? Is this a PINNED or RIGID connection? Assoc. Prof. Dr. DYeoh 2014

1. TRANSLATION VERTICAL 2. TRANSLATION HORIZONTAL 3. ROTATION Which can this connection resist? Which is a PINNED or RIGID connection? Assoc. Prof. Dr. DYeoh 2014

24 Bolted and welded end plate
Beam-column Rigid connection All welded Bolted and welded end plate Bolted and welded extended end plate, and stiffener Assoc. Prof. Dr. DYeoh 2014

25 Purpose of connection Assoc. Prof. Dr. DYeoh 2014

26 Connection is very important and is a weak link
To transfer forces between one member element to another and subsequently transmit to the foundation Connection is very important and is a weak link Failure can often happen at the connection Connection must be ductile Assoc. Prof. Dr. DYeoh 2014

27 Welded connection Assoc. Prof. Dr. DYeoh
Assoc. Prof. Dr. David Yeoh 2014 2014 27

28 Some features of welded connection:
Convenient for off-site fabrication Expensive on site Can be more aesthetic than bolts Convenient with hollow sections Assoc. Prof. Dr. DYeoh Assoc. Prof. Dr. David Yeoh 2014 2014 28

29 Types of Weld Fillet Weld Butt Weld Leg Throat Leg
Assoc. Prof. Dr. DYeoh Assoc. Prof. Dr. David Yeoh 2014 2014 29

30 Design of welds, Fw,Ed < Fw,Rd
Given in Clause 4.5 Design using simplified method is given in Clause and Directional method in Clause Design is based on assuming shear and normal forces in weld Simplified approach given as Throat thickness Design strength Assoc. Prof. Dr. DYeoh Assoc. Prof. Dr. David Yeoh 2014 2014 30

31 Bolted connection – types of bolt
Assoc. Prof. Dr. DYeoh 2014

32 Two types Structural (black) bolts (NON PRE-LOADED)
High strength friction grip (HSFG) bolts (PRE-LOADED) this is not covered in this lecture Assoc. Prof. Dr. DYeoh 2014

33 Bolt Types – Structural (NON PRE-LOADED)
Shear loads are transmitted through bearing and cross sectional area of the bolt. Bearing Bearing Shear Assoc. Prof. Dr. DYeoh 2014

34 Bolt Types – Slip resistant (HSFG) (PRE-LOADED)
Large tension in bolt Shear loads are transmitted by friction between plies. Bolts are tightened to their proof load in order to develop high bearing forces between plies. Friction provides strength Bearing stresses Between plies Assoc. Prof. Dr. DYeoh 2014

35 Real Bolted Joint Behaviour
HSFG Force Slippage Non-linear as bolts yield Structural Initially linear response Higher stresses Deformation Initial clearance Assoc. Prof. Dr. DYeoh Assoc. Prof. Dr. David Yeoh 2014 2014 35

36 Simplified Bolted Joint Behaviour
Force Failure assumed here Equal stresses Deformation Assoc. Prof. Dr. DYeoh Assoc. Prof. Dr. David Yeoh 2014 2014 36

37 Bolt Descriptions M20 grade 8.8
Diameters given in millimetres prefixed by M Hole diameters normally 2-3mm bigger than the bolt Lengths given in millimetres Grade gives yield and ultimate strength in N/mm2 (see Table 3.1 EC3 Part 1-8) M20 grade 8.8 Diameter=20mm UTS=8*100=800N/mm2 MYS=8*8=640N/mm2 Assoc. Prof. Dr. DYeoh 2014

38 Bolt diameter – shank and thread
(tensile stress area) Bolt head Bolt dia Assoc. Prof. Dr. DYeoh 2014

39 Detailing requirement EC3 Part 1-8 Design of Joints Clause 3.5
Assoc. Prof. Dr. DYeoh 2014

40 Nominal standard hole clearance for Non Pre-loaded bolt
M12 and M14, provide 1 mm M16 and M24, provide 2 mm M27 and above, provide 3 mm Assoc. Prof. Dr. DYeoh 2014

41 Symbols for end and edge distance and spacing of fasteners
(Figure 3.1 of EC3-1-8) Minimum and maximum allowable distances (spacing, end and edge) are given in Table 3.3 of EC3-1-8 Assoc. Prof. Dr. DYeoh 2014

42 Failure modes and design checks in bolted connection EC3 Part 1-8 Design of Joints Clause 3.6 and Table 3.4 Assoc. Prof. Dr. DYeoh Assoc. Prof. Dr. David Yeoh 2014 2014 42

43 Which bolt is most stressed?
THINK CRITICALLY Which bolt is most stressed? What kind of stress is the bolt resisting? Apart from the bolt, is the member (beam or column) under any stress? Assoc. Prof. Dr. DYeoh 2014

44 Failure modes Bolt shear Plate shear or tear-out Bolt bearing
Plate bearing Bolt tension failure Tension on net section Assoc. Prof. Dr. DYeoh 2014

45 Shear failure in bolt Double Shear Single Shear
Two failure planes One failure plane Single Shear Double Shear Theoretical failure load given by Area acting in shear (given in codes) Assoc. Prof. Dr. DYeoh Assoc. Prof. Dr. David Yeoh 2014 2014 45

46 Shear resistance check inequality
0.6 Table 2.1 Assoc. Prof. Dr. DYeoh 2014

47 Bearing failure in plate
Bolt pulls through plate or element Bearing Theoretical failure load given by Empirical factor(s) (given in codes) Plate thickness Assoc. Prof. Dr. DYeoh Assoc. Prof. Dr. David Yeoh 2014 2014 47

48 Bearing resistance check inequality
Table 3.4 Table 2.1 Assoc. Prof. Dr. DYeoh 2014

49 Tension failure in bolt
Connection force Reaction force Larger bolt force Failure load given by Flexible plates can increase Tensile forces due to “prying” k accounts for limited of ductility in tension Assoc. Prof. Dr. DYeoh Assoc. Prof. Dr. David Yeoh 2014 2014 49

50 Tension resistance check inequality
Table 3.4 Table 2.1 Assoc. Prof. Dr. DYeoh 2014

51 Combined shear and tension resistance check inequality
Table 3.4 Assoc. Prof. Dr. DYeoh 2014

52 Block tearing - Plate Failure
Section failure End failure Block tearing is controlled by bolt separation limits. Design methods for tension members is given in Clause EC3 Part 1-8 Assoc. Prof. Dr. DYeoh Assoc. Prof. Dr. David Yeoh 2014 2014 52

53 Block Shear Failure Assoc. Prof. Dr. DYeoh
Assoc. Prof. Dr. David Yeoh 2014 2014 53

54 Summary of design checks in bolt connections
Identify load paths within connection Check each link Failure prevented by Limitations on distance between bolts (Table 3.3) Limitations on edge distance (Table 3.3) Checks on Shear stresses in bolts (Table 3.4) Tensile stresses in bolts (Table 3.4) Combined stresses in bolts (Table 3.4) Check on capacity of plate and element (3.10) Check on shear capacity of plate Assoc. Prof. Dr. DYeoh Assoc. Prof. Dr. David Yeoh 2014 2014 54

55 Design - Splice connection
Assoc. Prof. Dr. DYeoh Assoc. Prof. Dr. David Yeoh 2014 2014 55

56 Given splice connection, double shear M20 Grade 4.6 bolt
Hole clearance +2mm Splice plate is grade S275 Verify detailing requirement and find strength of connection Assoc. Prof. Dr. DYeoh 2014

57 Check detailing requirement (Table 3.3)
22 = 26.4 mm 26.4 mm 22 = 48.4 mm Assoc. Prof. Dr. DYeoh 2014

58 Assoc. Prof. Dr. DYeoh 2014

59 Check shear resistance per bolt for two shear plane For 3 bolts, Fv,Rd = 282 kN
Assoc. Prof. Dr. DYeoh 2014

60 Check bearing resistance per bolt
From EN , fu of plate (Grade S275, t>3 mm) = 410 N/mm2 In direction of load transfer: For end bolts, For inner bolts, Assoc. Prof. Dr. DYeoh 2014

61 Perpendicular to the direction of load transfer
For edge bolts, k1 is the smaller of p2 is not applicable here as there is no inner bolt Assoc. Prof. Dr. DYeoh 2014

62 Bearing resistance 3 bolts
Bearing resistance of one shear plane per bolt (take the smallest plate thickness and the corresponding strength), Bearing resistance 3 bolts Assoc. Prof. Dr. DYeoh 2014

63 Shear resistance, Fv,Rd= 282 kN Bearing resistance, Fb,Rd= 477 kN
The strength of this splice connection is governed by shear, FRd= 282 kN Assoc. Prof. Dr. DYeoh 2014

64 Design – Beam-column connection with bracket (combined shear and tension)
Assoc. Prof. Dr. DYeoh Assoc. Prof. Dr. David Yeoh 2014 2014 64

65 Assoc. Prof. Dr. DYeoh 2014

66 < Tension resistance, Ft,Rd (Table 3.4 EC3 Part 1-8)
Assoc. Prof. Dr. DYeoh 2014

67 Combined shear and tension (Table 3
Combined shear and tension (Table 3.4 EC3 Part 1-8) inequality is given as… Assoc. Prof. Dr. DYeoh 2014

68 Assoc. Prof. Dr. DYeoh 2014

69 Assoc. Prof. Dr. DYeoh 2014

70 y1 is the distance of the most stressed bolt from the bolt with zero stress
Assoc. Prof. Dr. DYeoh 2014

71 Assoc. Prof. Dr. DYeoh 2014

72 Assoc. Prof. Dr. DYeoh 2014

73 Assoc. Prof. Dr. DYeoh 2014

74 Design – Beam-column connection with bracket (combined shear and torsion)
Assoc. Prof. Dr. DYeoh Assoc. Prof. Dr. David Yeoh 2014 2014 74

75 Assoc. Prof. Dr. DYeoh 2014

76 Assoc. Prof. Dr. DYeoh 2014

77 Assoc. Prof. Dr. DYeoh 2014

78 Assoc. Prof. Dr. DYeoh 2014

79 Assoc. Prof. Dr. DYeoh 2014

80 Assoc. Prof. Dr. DYeoh 2014

81 Assoc. Prof. Dr. DYeoh 2014

82 Assoc. Prof. Dr. DYeoh 2014

83 Assoc. Prof. Dr. DYeoh 2014

84 Assoc. Prof. Dr. DYeoh 2014

85 Assoc. Prof. Dr. DYeoh 2014

86 Assoc. Prof. Dr. DYeoh 2014

87 Assoc. Prof. Dr. DYeoh 2014

88 Assoc. Prof. Dr. DYeoh 2014

89 Assoc. Prof. Dr. DYeoh 2014

90 Assoc. Prof. Dr. DYeoh 2014

91 Design – Bracing connection (welding, bolt in tension, and block tearing)
Assoc. Prof. Dr. DYeoh Assoc. Prof. Dr. David Yeoh 2014 2014 91

92 Worked Example of bracing connection design
Steel Construction Institute SCI Student Worked Example Pages 71 to 80 Assoc. Prof. Dr. DYeoh 2014

93 Explaining block tearing
Assoc. Prof. Dr. DYeoh 2014

94 Design – Beam-column connection with web cleat (vertical and horizontal shear, and block tearing)
Assoc. Prof. Dr. DYeoh Assoc. Prof. Dr. David Yeoh 2014 2014 94

95 Aside Most distant spring most highly stressed when bar rotates
Springs Bar Rotation Most distant spring most highly stressed when bar rotates Similar to bolts in bolt group when beam rotates due to moments Assoc. Prof. Dr. DYeoh Assoc. Prof. Dr. David Yeoh 2014 2014 95

96 Shear Stresses in Bolts
Shear in these bolts Column Beam Bolts must resist Shear due shear force Shear due to moment Centre of rotation needed for moment shear Pe Centre of rotation e P Assoc. Prof. Dr. David Yeoh 2014 Assoc. Prof. Dr. DYeoh 2014 96

97 Design for Shear Stresses
Total shear obtained from vector sum of shear forces Force due To eccentricity Vh Vv V Force due to load on beam+ eccentricity Total force In bolt Assoc. Prof. Dr. DYeoh Assoc. Prof. Dr. David Yeoh 2014 2014 97

98 Tensile Stresses in Bolts
Column Tensile stresses in top bolt in column Beam r NA Pe e Tension and shear in this bolt Second moment of area of bolt group P Very similar to stress calculations in beams Assoc. Prof. Dr. DYeoh Assoc. Prof. Dr. David Yeoh 2014 2014 98

99 Design – Column base plate connection
Assoc. Prof. Dr. DYeoh Assoc. Prof. Dr. David Yeoh 2014 2014 99

100 Determine minimum area required
Estimate the additional bearing width, c (Clause item 4) Calculate the thickness of base plate, tp Check capacity of plate in bending (using first principle concept) Check bolt tension capacity for uplift force Check bolt shear capacity for lateral force Check bolt combined shear and tension capacity for moment Assoc. Prof. Dr. DYeoh 2014

101 Worked Example of column base connection design
Steel Construction Institute SCI Student Worked Example Pages 89 to 90 Assoc. Prof. Dr. DYeoh 2014

102 x is the additional bearing width, c
Assoc. Prof. Dr. DYeoh 2014

103 Assoc. Prof. Dr. DYeoh 2014

104 Check bending capacity of base plate
Assoc. Prof. Dr. DYeoh 2014

105 Assoc. Prof. Dr. DYeoh 2014

106 End of Connection Assoc. Prof. Dr. DYeoh 2014

107 What have been covered? What have you learned? Assoc. Prof. Dr. DYeoh

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