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Technology Services Update

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1 Technology Services Update
Law School Admission Council

2 Simplifying Matriculation Certification
LSAC has been assisting in the Matriculation Certification process since This year we were fortunate to have the opportunity to meet in person with the team from the ABA to discuss the process we have been using and look for opportunities for improvement.

3 Current School / ABA / LSAC Process
Schools ACES2 LSAC Process ABA

4 Current School / ABA / LSAC Process
1 LSAC Schools ACES2 LSAC Process ABA

5 Current School / ABA / LSAC Process
1 LSAC Schools ACES2 LSAC Process 2 ABA

6 Current School / ABA / LSAC Process
1 LSAC Schools ACES2 LSAC Process 3 2 ABA

7 Current School / ABA / LSAC Process
1 LSAC Schools ACES2 LSAC Process 4 3 2 ABA

8 Current School / ABA / LSAC Process
1 LSAC Schools ACES2 LSAC Process 4 5 3 2 ABA

9 Current School / ABA / LSAC Process
1 LSAC Schools ACES2 LSAC Process 4 5 3 2 ABA 6

10 Current School / ABA / LSAC Process
1 LSAC Schools ACES2 LSAC Process 4 5 3 2 ABA 6 509 Reports

11 New School / ABA / LSAC Process
ACES2 LSAC Process Schools ABA

12 New School / ABA / LSAC Process
1 LSAC ACES2 LSAC Process Schools ABA

13 New School / ABA / LSAC Process
1 LSAC ACES2 LSAC Process Schools 2 ABA

14 New School / ABA / LSAC Process
1 LSAC ACES2 LSAC Process Schools 2 3 ABA

15 New School / ABA / LSAC Process
1 LSAC ACES2 LSAC Process Schools 2 3 ABA 509 Reports

16 Timeline for Processing
Step Timing in past years Timing for this year Deadline for AQ 10/15 File sent from ABA to LSAC 10/15 – 10/30 No longer needed Percentile Files to schools 10/30 – 11/30 Beginning 10/8 Approved Percentile files to ABA 11/30 11/15 The due date for the Annual Questionnaire will be the same as in past years but you will no longer need to submit a file containing data on all matriculants. Eliminating the need for schools to submit files to the ABA will allow LSAC to begin generating percentile for schools to review as early as October 8th. Last year 50% of schools had “clean” data – no discrepancies between the information provided to the ABA and the information on record at LSAC. Schools in this situation will be able to review and approve their percentile file as soon as it is received. Once approved LSAC will provide certified percentiles to the ABA. Our goal is to have all percentile files to the ABA by November 15th, hopefully even sooner.

17 Importance of Accurate Data
LSAC Certified Percentile Data reported to ABA Complete data for LSAC Centralized Reporting Applicant and Acceptance Overlap LSAC Data Reports Qualification Profiles National Decision Profiles National / School Profile data Prior matriculation data on CAS reports It is important that the data on record at LSAC is complete and accurate not only to support accurate certification of data to the ABA but also to allow for accurate data in various reports that LSAC generates as well as for accurate Prior Matriculation reporting. If you would like more information about any of these reports please feel free to contact your Regional Support Team.

18 Steps you can take Update ACES2 with final decisions for all applicants Properly categorize applicants Use the Matriculant Verification Feature in ACES2 Encourage all Applicants to have their transcripts processed by LSAC We need your help to help make this process run as smoothly as possible. Some of the things you can do include making certain to have all decisions updated in ACES2 no later than October 5th. It is also important that applicants such as visitor and transfer applicants are properly categorized so the only first year applicants are counted as matriculants. The Matriculant Verification feature in ACES2 is a good way to verify data. It is also important to have all applicants submit their transcripts to LSAC. For applicants such as direct admits LSAC can certify their GPA if the transcripts are processed through LSAC, schools will now have the option to waive the CAS fee for these applicants so that transcripts can be processed and provided to schools as the official transcript.

19 Expanding Fee Waivers to cover CAS
Example of how Fee Waivers can be used Direct Admits so Transcripts can be processed Applicants applying to a single school Applicants who have already paid for another service Deferrals Schools can provide applicants with a Fee Waiver code JD CAS waiver currently available for use by candidates Generation of codes done manually until available in ACES later this summer In past years some schools have paid to have transcripts analyzed by LSAC so that the GPA can be included in the certified data. This year we are encouraging schools to take advantage of our new option that will allow candidates to use a “coupon” to register for the CAS service. This will allow applicants to have their transcripts processed by LSAC and then to have the transcripts supplied to the schools so they will be part of the record in ACES2. If you are interested in taking advantage of this option immediately you can simply contact your Regional Support Team and request a set of Fee Waiver codes. These codes can then be distributed to your applicants. Later this summer options will be added to ACES2 to allow you to generate the codes.

20 Using the Fee Waiver Upon checkout the applicant will option to enter the code

21 Reference Materials Reference guide:
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