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James L Pinfold UK Forum
12/5/2018 James L Pinfold UK Forum
James L Pinfold UK Forum
CDF Detector CDF :: Introduction Muon Chambers A Roman Pot deployed detector is placed on one side of CDF at at 60m from the IP. (RPS acceptance ~80% for 0.03 < x < 0.1 and |t| < 0.1) Introduction e+e- +- Charmonia Bottomonia Di-jets Z-boson Conclusion 12/5/2018 James L Pinfold UK Forum
Central Exclusive Physics
Central state Proton/antiproton does not break up during interaction pT ~ 0 > 3 rap-gap gg , P, PP > 3 rap-gap ~180o Proton/antiproton does not break up during interaction Both protons coherently scattered. Central state fully specified and measured, unlike “inclusive” production: Forward tagging of the p’s at the LHC with FP420/ 220m allows full reconstruction of the central state Mass to ~3 GeV at ISR, ~100 GeV at Tevatron, ~700 GeV at LHC Introduction e+e- +- Charmonia Bottomonia Z-boson Di-jets Conclusion 12/5/2018 James L Pinfold UK Forum
James L Pinfold UK Forum
Exclusive Production Diagrams Gamma-gamma Photoproduction QCD Central Exclusive Production p g X IP gap QCD DPE X IP gap q-loop In perturbative QCD the lowest order prototype of the pomeron is the color neutral system of two gluons. Introduction e+e- +- Charmonia Bottomonia Z-boson Di-jets Conclusion 12/5/2018 James L Pinfold UK Forum
James L Pinfold UK Forum
Exclusive e+e- Production (1) e+ QED e- Central state produced via QED gg e+e- Protons do not dissociate Only e+e- are produced nothing else Introduction e+e- +- Charmonia Bottomonia Z-boson Di-jets Conclusion 12/5/2018 James L Pinfold UK Forum
James L Pinfold UK Forum
Exclusive e+e- Production (2) Integrated luminosity → 532 ± 32 pb-1 DIFF_DIPHOTON Trigger: 2 EM clusters with ET>4GeV/c plus a veto on BSC 1 (E+W) Exclusive e+e- events are selected by: Reconstructing the e+e- Requiring that there is no other activity in ||<7.4 Electrons have ET >5 GeV/c and |h| < 2 16 e+e- candidates selected Backgrounds 1.9 ± 0.3 events: dijet fake ( ) cosmic ( negligible) inclusive distribution (0.3+/-0.1) dissociation (1.6 ± 0.3) (these are also e+e- where one (or both) proton(s) dissociate) Introduction e+e- +- Charmonia Bottomonia Z-boson Di-jets Conclusion 12/5/2018 James L Pinfold UK Forum
James L Pinfold UK Forum
Exclusive e+e- Production (3) Kinematics of 16 event candidate sample match the predictions of the LPAIR signal MC J.Vermaseren. Nucl. Phys., B , 1983 )- e+e- are collinear in f and have matching ET Cross-section for gg e+e- LPAIR theory: sLPAIR = 1.71 ± 0.01 pb Introduction e+e- +- Charmonia Bottomonia Z-boson Di-jets Conclusion 12/5/2018 James L Pinfold UK Forum
James L Pinfold UK Forum
Exclusive e+e- Production (4) Agrees with LPAIR theory: sLPAIR = 1.71 ± 0.01 pb Probability of 1.9 ≥16 = 1.3× corresponds to 5.5s “observation” This is the first observation of exclusive two-photon produced e+e- interactions in p-p(bar) collisions Also seen at RHIC (at low e+e- mass )– Phys. Rev C70:031902, 2004) The LHC can, in principle, use such processes for luminosity measurement, etc. We have many more candidates in new data with dedicated 2-EM shower trigger Introduction e+e- +- Charmonia Bottomonia Z-boson Di-jets Conclusion 12/5/2018 James L Pinfold UK Forum
James L Pinfold UK Forum
Exclusive Study (1) X Exclusive events Selected in the same way as e+e- (except tracks) agreement of e+e- cross section gives confidence in analysis methodology Introduction e+e- +- Charmonia Bottomonia Z-boson Di-jets Conclusion 12/5/2018 James L Pinfold UK Forum
James L Pinfold UK Forum
Exclusive Study (2) 3 candidate events are found in 532 pb-1 of Run II data. Background 0.09 ± 0.04 events (dominated by misid. of excl.) Good agreement on kinematics with ExHume MC Based on the analytical results by KMR/Durham group (Khoze , Martin &Ryskin EPJ.C14: ,2000) Introduction e+e- +- Charmonia Bottomonia Z-boson Di-jets Conclusion 12/5/2018 James L Pinfold UK Forum
Exclusive Candidates (1)
Possible p0p0/hh event events predicted from ExHuME MC - 2 candidates are almost certainly but the hypotheses cannot be excluded The 3rd candidate could be Introduction e+e- +- Charmonia Bottomonia Z-boson Di-jets Conclusion 12/5/2018 James L Pinfold UK Forum
James L Pinfold UK Forum
Exclusive Candidates (2) The upper limit of the cross-section pp --> p p is set at 410 fb with 95% confidence level ( taking into account the background + its uncertainty, signal selection efficiency, & Lint) If 2 of the 3 candidates are gg events we obtain a cross section: Durham Group: Khoze, Martin, Ryskin & Stirling hep-ph/ Eur.Phys.J C38 (2005) 475 : 38 fb with factor ~ 3 uncertainty We have found >10 more candidates in data with new di-EM shower trig. Introduction e+e- +- Charmonia Bottomonia Z-boson Di-jets Conclusion 12/5/2018 James L Pinfold UK Forum
James L Pinfold UK Forum
Exclusive Production (1) Trigger (DIFF_CHIC_CMU1.5_PT1.5_TRK): BSC Gap, east & west muon + track (pt > 1.3 GeV/c; |h| < 1.2) 3.0 < M(muon + track) < 4.0 GeVc2 The existing sample corresponds to a lumi of 1.48 fb-1 Offline cuts No other activity in the events (to an |h| of 7.4) PT(m) > 1.4 GeV/c & |h(m)| < 0.6 Cosmic ray cuts (abs (TOF) < 3 ns) Exclusivity cuts (same as for the e+e- paper) STARLIGHT Monte Carlo simulation used (Klein & Nystrand) Introduction e+e- +- Charmonia Bottomonia Z-boson Di-jets Conclusion 12/5/2018 James L Pinfold UK Forum
Example exclusive m+m- event: Run 199559, Event 13120174
Exclusive Production (2) Example exclusive m+m- event: Run , Event Introduction e+e- +- Charmonia Bottomonia Z-boson Di-jets Conclusion 12/5/2018 James L Pinfold UK Forum
James L Pinfold UK Forum
Exclusive Production (4) p + p p + + p J Fit: 2 Gaussians + QED continuum. Masses 3.09, 3.68 GeV == PDG Widths 15.8,16.7 MeV=resolution. QED = generator x acceptance 3 amplitudes floating 402 events (with no EM shower) s Introduction e+e- +- Charmonia Bottomonia Z-boson Di-jets Conclusion 12/5/2018 James L Pinfold UK Forum
James L Pinfold UK Forum
Exclusive Production (5) ggm+m- continuum IPJ+m- IP sm+m- Good agreement on kinematics with STARLIGHT MC (Klein & Nystrand ) Introduction e+e- +- Charmonia Bottomonia Z-boson Di-jets Conclusion 12/5/2018 James L Pinfold UK Forum
James L Pinfold UK Forum
c J/() + (soft) (1) DPE QCD Similar selection as search with additional isolated EM shower req. New ChicMC -Durham Khoze,Martin,Ryskin,Stirling, EPJ C35, (2004), implemented by J. Stirling Introduction e+e- +- Charmonia Bottomonia Z-boson Di-jets Conclusion 12/5/2018 James L Pinfold UK Forum
The ChiC-MC-Durham is a good fit the data
c J/() + (soft) (2) c J/() + (soft) The ChiC-MC-Durham is a good fit the data Good fit to kinematics from c, if there is an EM shower in the event Introduction e+e- +- Charmonia Bottomonia Z-boson Di-jets Conclusion 12/5/2018 James L Pinfold UK Forum
James L Pinfold UK Forum
Estimating the c Contribution Plot show fit of ET spectrum for events from J/ peak with: EEMT tower > 100 MeV Total number of c events: 68.2 ± 8.3 65.4 c events above the 80 MeV exclusivity cut 4.0 ± 1.6% c event background to exclusive J/ signal Additional inefficiency from: Conversions - 7%, Dead regions % CHECK - Muon-pair events with an accompanying photon with ET > 80 MeV were from the J/ peak as expected if they are c decays Introduction e+e- +- Charmonia Bottomonia Z-boson Di-jets Conclusion 12/5/2018 James L Pinfold UK Forum
James L Pinfold UK Forum
Backgrounds to Exclusive An important background is undetected proton fragmentation estimated using the LPAIR MC: The proton frag. probability at the pp(p*) vertex is estimated as 17% The proton frag. probability at the pIPp (p*) vertex is estimated as 24% From the ratio of single diffractive frag. to elastic scattering at the Tevatron The probability that all proton fragmentation products have || >7.4 is 14% The probability that decay products may not be detected due to BSC inefficiency is 8% Introduction e+e- +- Charmonia Bottomonia Z-boson Di-jets Conclusion 12/5/2018 James L Pinfold UK Forum
James L Pinfold UK Forum
Exclusive Production - Results g This QED cross-section is in principle very well understood The results agree with the Starlight (Klein & Nystrand) and LPAIR (Vermaseren) Monte Carlos Predicted a cross-section of 2.18 ± 0.01 pb Reminder - the ee results also agreed with the Starlight (Klein & Nystrand) and LPAIR (Vermaseren) Monte Carlos Introduction e+e- +- Charmonia Bottomonia Z-boson Di-jets Conclusion 12/5/2018 James L Pinfold UK Forum
James L Pinfold UK Forum
Exclusive Charmonium - Results IP J/ and IP s ) The J/ results (ds/dy|y=0) agrees with theoretical predictions: V.A. Khoze , A.D. Martin , M.G. RyskinEur.Phys.J.C24: ,2002. S.Klein and J.Nystrand, Starlight, Phys. Rev. Lett. 92: (2004). L.Motyka and G.Watt, Phys. Rev. D78: (2008). W.Schafer and A.Szczurek, Phys. Rev. D 76, (2007). V.P.Goncalves and M.V.T.Machado, Eur. Phys. J. C 40, 519 (2005). The (2s) result consistent with the Starlight prediction R = (2s)/(1s) = 0.14 ± 0.05 is in agreement with the HERA value of R = ± at similar s(p) (H.Jung, Acta. Phys. Polon. Supp.1, 531 (2008)) d/dy|y=0 = 3.0 ± 0.3 nb Introduction e+e- +- Charmonia Bottomonia Z-boson Di-jets Conclusion 12/5/2018 James L Pinfold UK Forum
James L Pinfold UK Forum
Exclusive c Production - Results IP + IPc J/ (soft) Theory 90 nb The -in theoretical errors - with: T predictionof Khoze, Martin & Ryskin EPJ C19, 447 (2001), Erratum C (2001) & Khoze , Martin, Ryskin & Stirling, Eur.Phys.J.C35: ,2004 The calculation of Pasechnik, Szczurek & Teryaev, arXiv: [hep-ph]. In this analysis it is assumed that the produced c is 0++ (JPC) NB double-diffractive production of exclusive axial vector (1++) & tensor (2++) quarkonium states are strongly suppressed (Khoze, Martin & Ryskin, EPJ C19, 447 (2001) Caveat: the large BR of the c (1++) to J/ means it may contribute to our signal Introduction e+e- +- Charmonia Bottomonia Z-boson Di-jets Conclusion 12/5/2018 James L Pinfold UK Forum
James L Pinfold UK Forum
Exclusive High Mass States (1) Exclusive production of , (1s,2s,3s), b & Z Find Exclusive events using Number of associated tracks = 0 Kinematics: Df 180o, DpT 0, (or SPT 0) Trigger: 2 central muons with pT > 4 GeV/c L = 890 pb-1 ~ 2.3 M events. Remove cosmic rays (timing + colinearity) Require on beam-line. Count additional (associated) tracks (n_ass) within 5 mm of m+m- vertex. Cleanliness, backgrounds & acceptances being studied. Introduction e+e- +- Charmonia Bottomonia Z-boson Di-jets Conclusion 12/5/2018 James L Pinfold UK Forum
James L Pinfold UK Forum
Exclusive Bottomonium States (1) Invariant Mass - Upsilon Region > 120o, pT(+ + - ) < 1.5 GeV/c Progress report - no cross-sections as yet! CDF Run II Preliminary Y(1S) Clearly visible peaks Y(1s),Y(2s),Y(3S) + continuum More clean ’s than HERA! Y(2S) Continuum Y(3S) Continuum ~35% more data available (but plots not blessed as yet) Introduction e+e- +- Charmonia Bottomonia Z-boson Di-jets Conclusion 12/5/2018 James L Pinfold UK Forum
James L Pinfold UK Forum
Exclusive BottomoniumStates (2) H1 ZEUS HERA data - resolution confuses (1s,2s,3s) low stats Predictions of d/dy|y=0, from: Motyka and Watt arXiv: pb Cox, Forshaw & Sandapan - 12 1 pb Klein& Nystrand ~12 pb Bzdak,Motyka,Szymanowski & Cudell 0.8 – 5 – 9 pb Introduction e+e- +- Charmonia Bottomonia Z-boson Di-jets Conclusion 12/5/2018 James L Pinfold UK Forum
James L Pinfold UK Forum
Exclusive Bottomonium States (3) Now apply “super clean” exclusivity cuts as in low mass exclusive -pair analysis i.e. no pile-up, and only m-pairs detected Run/Event: / Lego, threshold ET > 10 MeV Superclean Upsilon ET h h 6 events in the 8 – 12 GeV/c2 region 4 events with mass > 12 GeV/c2. (Most of reduction is killing pile-up) Introduction e+e- +- Charmonia Bottomonia Z-boson Di-jets Conclusion 12/5/2018 James L Pinfold UK Forum
James L Pinfold UK Forum
Exclusive Bottomonium States (4) IP + IPb (soft) Khoze, Martin, Ryskin, Stirling, Eur.Phys.J.C35: ,2004. b 90 The exclusive (c) >> (b), follow two approaches: 1: Follow same basic analysis strategy as for the c The efficiency of the c exclusivity criteria can be improved by a factor of ~6-10 2: Use kinematic constraints (+ only vertex) in the presence of pile-up Not making exclusivity cuts gives us a factor of less than ~10 in the no. of events Hard to estimate number of events expected as there is no hard measurement/prediction for the BR[b0(1P) (1s)] A challenging analysis - this is a work in progress! Introduction e+e- +- Charmonia Bottomonia Z-boson Di-jets Conclusion 12/5/2018 James L Pinfold UK Forum
James L Pinfold UK Forum
Exclusive Z-boson Search (1) Exclusive Z Production High mass l+l- continuum It is possible to produce Z bosons exclusively at the Tevatron The SM rate is very low: ~0.3 fb so a signal would be BSM. Motyka and Watt: PRD 78, (2008). Select samples of high mass e+e- and +- pairs: Z selection (denoted Zl+l-): pTl > 25 GeV, 82 < Mll < 98 GeV l+l- selection (denoted l+l-): pTl > 20 GeV, Mll > 40 GeV Require no additional tracks in event. Only noise in the calorimeter (excluding the lepton + surrounding towers) Introduction e+e- +- Charmonia Bottomonia Z-boson Di-jets Conclusion 12/5/2018 James L Pinfold UK Forum
James L Pinfold UK Forum
Exclusive Z-boson Search (2) e+e- E GeV A reasonable fit the the LPAIR prediction for l+l- 12 l+l- events were observed 8 of the events had no activity in the BSC (down to an || of 7.4) Backgrounds are high mass QED continuum pairs and inclusive/ diffractive Z production Introduction e+e- +- Charmonia Bottomonia Z-boson Di-jets Conclusion 12/5/2018 James L Pinfold UK Forum
James L Pinfold UK Forum
Exclusive Z-boson Search (3) Results of Search for Exclusive Z Production 8 candidate exclusive di-lepton pairs (ppllpp) = pb for: Mll > 40 GeV, |l| < 4.0 LPAIR prediction: =0.256 pb 1 event passes Z selection cuts (but with BSC energy) (Z) < % C.L. Introduction e+e- +- Charmonia Bottomonia Z-boson Di-jets Conclusion 12/5/2018 James L Pinfold UK Forum
James L Pinfold UK Forum
Exclusive Di-jet Search (1) ET JET GAP h f p detected in RP (p not seen) JET Select DPE dijets: p + p → p + X (≥2jets+…) + gap The events are selected from a sample of about 310 pb-1 of data collected with a dedicated diffractive trigger. RPS (pbar-side) + J5 (CCAL/PCAL tower ET>5 GeV) + BSC1 veto on p-side Introduction e+e- +- Charmonia Bottomonia Z-boson Di-jets Conclusion 12/5/2018 James L Pinfold UK Forum
Exclusive Di-jet Search
Examine the dijet mass fraction Rjj Rjj =Mjetjet /MCENTRAL > 0.8 (to be“exclusive”) Mjetjet GeV/c2 Relative to R < 0.4 fraction of b-bbar ExHuME: MC with exclusive di-jets. Exclusive gg → qq is suppressed by JZ=0 rule Khoze, Martin & Ryskin, EPJ C19, 447 (2001)) Exploit this by looking at fraction of heavy flavor (b/c) jets in dijet data as a function of Rjj - the effect is observed! Introduction e+e- +- Charmonia Bottomonia Z-boson Di-jets Conclusion 12/5/2018 James L Pinfold UK Forum
James L Pinfold UK Forum
Exclusive Di-jet Cross-section The ExHuME (KMR) is based on LO pQCD DPEMC: based on Regge theory The cross-section curves are calculated, using the CDF cuts, from: Martin,Ryskin&Khoze, PRD56,5867, (1997) Khoze,Martin&Ryskin, EPJ C23,311, (2002) The solid curve is obtained by rescaling the parton (gluon) pT to the measured ET by ET=0.8pT Khoze,Martin&Ryskin, arXiv: The dashed curve assumes ET = 0.75pT . Introduction e+e- +- Charmonia Bottomonia Z-boson Di-jets Conclusion 12/5/2018 James L Pinfold UK Forum
James L Pinfold UK Forum
Conclusions - Summary & Future The observation of exclusive p-p p + e+e- + p production published in PRL (03/2007) The study of exclusive p-p p + gg + p production published in PRL (12/2007) The study of continuum and charmonium production via p-p p + m+m- + p of , J/y and (2s) is completed -PRL submitted (03/2009) The study of the p-p p cc p, via cc J/y + g (soft) is completed and is part of the submitted PRL on Exclusive charmonium (see above) The study of the exclusive bottomonium states: p-p p Y(1s)/ Y(1s)/ Y(1s) p and the exclusive b is underway The search for exclusive Zll production is completed - the PRL was accepted (04/2009) These results are: 1) First observations at a p-p(p) collider 2) Compatible with theory expectations in particular the predictions of the Durham group (KMR) 3) Compatible with HERA results (where applicable) Introduction e+e- +- Charmonia Bottomonia Z-boson Di-jets Conclusion 12/5/2018 James L Pinfold UK Forum
James L Pinfold UK Forum
Conclusions - Summary & Future FUTURE WORK The work on the upsilon analysis and the b search continues Studies of e+e- and IP-IP continue with new low ET di- photon trigger - (ET>3GeV) - more candidates seen. Search for exclusive Z0’s continues with a new type analysis where events with pile-up are NOT rejected - giving a factor of ~10 increase in statistics. A new trigger is being developed for exclusive and non-exclusive diffractive physics at CDF - a different (glue-rich) window on hadron spectroscopy, with: Rapidity gaps defined by the CLC and BSC1 on both sides At least 2 ToF counters (or adjacent pairs) above threshold At least 2 central EM clusters with energy greater than 250 MeV Trigger rate of ~200 events/sec in short dedicated run. Introduction e+e- +- Charmonia Bottomonia Z-boson Di-jets Conclusion 12/5/2018 James L Pinfold UK Forum
James L Pinfold UK Forum
Conclusions - Summary & Future IMPLICATIONS FOR THE LHC Use of ggm+m- /e+e- as a lumi monitor Study of ggm+m- & -p m+m- as a calibration for FP420 is underway Exclusive study of p-p J/Y, Y’, m+m- a good place for an odderon search The process p-pgg/cc/ cb/ j-j are standard candles for the exclusive Higgs According to the Durham Group’s theoretical framework the observation of these states means, in principle, we should see the CEP Higgs boson at the LHC A proving ground for Central Exclusive Physics that will be exploited by the RP220 /FP420 forward proton spectrometers at the LHC We are understanding that the LHC is a gg, g-p (g- IP) & IP- IP collider IP g IP LHC p p g g IP Introduction e+e- +- Charmonia Bottomonia Z-boson Di-jets Conclusion 12/5/2018 James L Pinfold UK Forum
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EXTRA SLIDES 12/5/2018 James L Pinfold UK Forum
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b-jet Suppression 12/5/2018 James L Pinfold UK Forum
Searching for the Odderon
The odderon is the C-odd partner of the pomeron - the hard odderon skeleton consists of three gluons in a color neutral state. The Odderon would contribute to J/s peaks unlike the cc If the J/ and (2s) cross sections were larger than expected for photoproduction, it would be evidence for odderon exchange. Taking a theoretical value of d/dy |y=0(J/ ) = 3.0 ± 0.3 nb for photoproduction ( IP → J/), we can place a 95% C.L. upper limit d/dy |y=0(J/ ) < 2.3 nb for odderon exchange (O IP → J/ ). This result is compatible with theory prediction of Bzdak, Motyka, Szymanowski & J-R.Cudell, PRD 75: (2007). Introduction e+e- +- Charmonia Bottomonia Z-boson Di-jets Conclusion 12/5/2018 James L Pinfold UK Forum
ppllpp cross-section
= (Nevts - Nbck )/ (Acc.Lint) Nevts Nbck Acc Lint (pb-1) (pb) 3 1.7 0.24 0.17 0.025 0.03 403 46 0.27 0.15 ee CC 4 2.0 0.031 0.033 467 50 0.61 0.30 ee CP 5 2.2 0.048 0.050 0.020 0.002 467 50 0.50 0.24 Combining the three results gives: (ppllpp) = 0.39 0.12 pb for Mll > 35 GeV, |l| < 4.0 [LPAIR prediction: = pb] 12/5/2018 James L Pinfold UK Forum
James L Pinfold UK Forum
Motivation: for Exclusive Studies Motivations to study exclusive lepton pair production at the Tevatron: Study , -p, DPE and Central Exclusive physics at the Tevatron Potential to make measure luminosity at the LHC with precision ~5 % or better as we have a relatively well known QED x-section Can be used as a control sample for exclusive processes whose cross- sections are not well predicted (Higgs, ...) For alignment/calibration of forward proton spectrometers (FP420) at the LHC Good place to search for the odderon Introduction e+e- +- Charmonia Bottomonia Z-boson Di-jets Conclusion 12/5/2018 James L Pinfold UK Forum
James L Pinfold UK Forum
12/5/2018 James L Pinfold UK Forum
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