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The Cube Has Three Dimensions of Interfaces in DM2’s Concept of System

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1 The Cube Has Three Dimensions of Interfaces in DM2’s Concept of System
Across WF Functions – an interaction amongst Systems, itself a SoS which is a System. Abstracting the actual Network and Transport systems. VDC-400 TACLINK 2000 EPLRS PRC-117 AN/MRC-142 AN/PRC-150 Exchange DNS Print Server IOS(V)1 IOW C2PC GCCS-J IOS(V)2 MSIDS GCSS-MC AFATDS CPOF INTEL MAN. FIRES LOG. F.P. C2 Router Switch TSM SATCOM As a “vertical” stack that provides the complete means for end-devices to communicate down to transport layer systems (e.g., through MODEM’s, gateways). This “system” is a type of dynamic or ad-hoc system, e.g., dynamic routing Within device-compatible “networks”, e.g., EPRLS. A network is a type of system in DM2 because it is a bunch of systems working together.

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