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DOSH Chapter WAC Safety Standards for Telecommunications

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1 DOSH Chapter 296-32 WAC Safety Standards for Telecommunications

2 Background The rulemaking was a result of the department receiving a petition formally requesting the department to update and modify the current Chapter WAC. This chapter was originally created in Although there have been partial rule changes over the years (1976 through 2002), a full review of this chapter, in its entirety, had not taken place. Since inception of Chapter 32 WAC, over 40 years ago, wireless and laser technology in the area of telecommunications has rapidly advanced.

3 Background – cont’d The department held several stakeholder meetings in 2009 with representatives of the Landline and Wireless Industries which included directional boring manufacturers, communication tower industries, line workers, industry safety representatives and others. The department and stakeholders developed a draft rule, however, on November 17, 2010 Executive Order was issued suspending all “non-critical” rulemaking. The Executive Order expired on December 31, 2012.

4 Background – cont’d A CR-101 (Preproposal) was filed on August 6, 2013. The department scheduled additional stakeholder meetings starting back in May, There was a total of five stakeholder meetings, the last one was on September 20, 2016. Stakeholders provided a great deal of input and changes were made to the proposal throughout the rule drafting process.

5 Rule Some of the changes include: WAC Host employer/contractor responsibilities – this section was created for host employers and contract employers to exchange safety-related information. WAC – this section was added to address remote communication sites. WAC Fall protection – current requirements located in Chapter WAC, Part C-1 were placed in this section and tailored.

6 Rule - cont’d WAC Ladders – add language requiring that ladders must be equipped with locking levelers when working on uneven ground. WAC & – these sections were added to address microwave transmission/radio frequency radiation (RFR & Electromagnetic). WAC – this section was added to address optical communications systems (lasers).

7 Rule - cont’d WAC Control of Hazardous Energy – this section establishes protection for employees who work directly in the hazardous vicinity of telecommunication facilities, sites or towers having the following energy: RFR ( mhz and UHF Broadcast Bands) Laser Microwave AM or FM High intensity electromagnetic fields

8 Rule - cont’d WAC Work during hours of darkness – this section requires the employer to do a job hazard assessment before working during hours of darkness. WAC – this section establishes requirements for emergency response and rescue.

9 Rule - cont’d WAC thru were added to be consistent with current Wireless Industry Consensus Standards. For example: Rigging Plan Gin Poles Base Mounted Hoists used for Overhead Material and Personnel Lifting Personnel Lifting Helicopters used for Lifting Loads (SOW Telecom)

10 Contact Information: Rod Julian – Telecommunications Safety and Health Specialist (Cell) 3001 West Broadway Ave. Moses Lake, WA 98837 Links- (WAC 32 PDF) (LRB) (Comm Tower Safety) (Comm Tower Operations)

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