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What is Popular (Mass) Democracy?

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Presentation on theme: "What is Popular (Mass) Democracy?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Topic: Assessing the role of Mass Democracy and the Emergence of the 2 Party System

2 What is Popular (Mass) Democracy?
1787- propertied white males have the vote Property requirements varied from state to state Jefferson  Era of Good Feelings  1824 Election 1820s: Universal Male Suffrage emerges Politicians appeal to the “common man” for votes “get out the vote” celebrations Beginnings of modern 2 party system (1830s)

3 Last of the “Old Elections” (1824)
4 candidates for office Jackson, JQ Adams, Clay, Crawford All were “democratic-republicans” Election controversy Jackson had majority vote (42%) No clear winner of electoral votes House of Reps to decide The “Corrupt Bargain” John Quincy Adams Henry Clay (Sec. of State)

4 1824 Election

5 The Presidency of John Quincy Adams
Weak presidency Mired by “bargain” scandal “minority president” Stubborn, tactless, no “personal touch” Resented “mass democracy” Refused to make political deals w/ adversaries Tariffs – unpopular with South and West (1824, 1828) Constant criticism by Jackson’s supporters

6 Election of 1828: “Shall the People Rule”?
Dem-Reps split finally National Republicans (JQ Adams) Democrats (Jackson) A new era of mud slinging What Happens in this Election?

7 Jackson versus Adams

8 1828 Election

9 Conclusion Which factor would you say MOST contributed to Jackson’s victory in 1828? Explain your reasoning in 3-4 sentences.

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