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NS 1300 Physical Science Studies

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Presentation on theme: "NS 1300 Physical Science Studies"— Presentation transcript:

1 NS 1300 Physical Science Studies
Weather and Climate

2 Weather

3 The Atmosphere Layers of the Atmosphere Composition of the Atmosphere
Troposphere Stratosphere Ionosphere Mesosphere Thermosphere Exosphere Composition of the Atmosphere Nitrogen Oxygen Water Vapor Carbon Dioxide

4 Water in the Atmosphere
Humidity Dew Point Clouds Cumulus Stratus Cirrus

5 Water Cycle

6 Air Pressure

7 Air Masses

8 Fronts

9 Weather Maps Isobars Weather Arrows

10 Storms Thunder Storms Tornadoes Hurricanes

11 Global Wind Patterns

12 Ocean Currents

13 Climate

14 Glacial Cycles Why Glaciers Glacial Cycles Land at the Poles
Global Temperature Glacial Cycles Glacial Maximum Glacial Minimum Interglacial Periods

15 Milankovitch Cycles

16 Quiz 1. T or F, the troposphere is the layer of the earth’s
atmosphere in which we live and breath. 2. T or F, a front is the boundary between two air masses. 3. T or F, an isobar is a line of equal temperature on a weather map. 4. T or F, the Coriolis Effect is due to the earth’s revolution around the sun. 5. T or F, obliquity, precession, and eccentricity are irregularities in the earth’s rotation and revolution around the sun.


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