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University of Maryland
The Pion Form Factor Tanja Horn University of Maryland Calculation of the Pion Form Factor -> The road to a hard place Fπ measurement via pion electroproduction -> Extracting Fπ from H(e,e’π+) data -> Fπ-1/Fπ-2 in Hall C Results and new directions JLab Seminar, 19 April 2006
Hadronic Form Factors in QCD
Fundamental issue: quantitative description of hadrons in terms of underlying constituents. Theory: Quantum Chromo-Dynamics (QCD) describes strong interactions. Degrees of freedom: quarks and gluons. Short Distance Asymptotic Freedom Long Distance Binding, collective dof Fπ Studies of short/long distance scales: Theory – QCD framework, GPD’s, lattice, models. Experiments – form factors, neutral weak nucleon structure.
Pion Form Factor Limits
Why pions? - Simplest QCD system (qq) “Hydrogen Atom of QCD” Large Q2 behavior calculated by Brodsky-Farrar (PRL 43 (1976) 246) in perturbative QCD At small Q2 vector meson dominance gives accurate description with normalization Fπ(0)=1 by charge conservation
Nonperturbative Physics
Feynman Mechanism At moderate Q2 nonperturbative corrections to pQCD can be large – Braun et al calculate ~30% at Q2=1 GeV2 to Fπ Need a description for transition to asymptotic behavior Variety of effective Fπ models on the market – how do we know which one is “right”? V.A. Nesterenko and A.V. Radyushkin, Phys. Lett. B115 (1982) 410 P. Maris and P. Tandy Phys Rev C62 (2000) F. Cardarelli et al. Phys. Lett. B357 (1995) 267.
Dynamical Approach: DSE+BSE
Maris and Tandy use Dyson-Schwinger equations (Phys.Rev.C62(2000)055204) Dressed quark propagator input to BSE Model parameters fixed by agreement of fπ, mπ with data Predict Fπ and rπ with no further adjustment Higher Q2: No solution yet, try to use lattice input? P. Maris and P.C. Tandy, Phys. Rev. C62(2000)055204,.
Summary Fπ Calculations
Limits on Fπ well defined and many model calculations available for transition region Key Point: Know there is asymptotic limit, but how to get there and what governs transition? ?? Long distance Low Q2 Short distance High Q2 Need experimental data to study behavior of QCD in transition from long distance to short distance scales
Pion Form Factor via Electroproduction
Charge radius well known from p+e scattering No “free pion” target – to extend measurement of Fp to larger Q2 values use “virtual pion cloud” of the proton Method check - Extracted results are in good agreement with p+e data J. Volmer et al. Phys Rev. Lett. 86 (2001)
Pion Electroproduction Kinematics
Hadronic information determined by Lorentz invariants Q2= |q|2 – ω2 W=√-Q2 + M2 + 2Mω t=(q - pπ)2 pπ = momentum of scattered pion θπ = angle between scattered pion and virtual photon φπ = angle between scattering and reaction plane
Pion Electroproduction Cross Section
Unpolarized pion electroproduction cross section In general, LT and TT → 0 by integrating over φ acceptance
“Simple” Longitudinal-Transverse Separation
For uniform φ-acceptance, σTT, σLT –›0 when integrated over φ Determine σT+ ε σL for high and low ε in each t-bin for each Q2 Isolate σL, by varying photon polarization, ε
“Real” Cross Section Separation
Cross Section Extraction φ acceptance not uniform In reality, must measure σLT and σTT Extract σL by simultaneous fit using measured azimuthal angle (φπ) and knowledge of photon polarization (ε)
Extracting Fπ from σL data
In t-pole approximation: Want smallest possible –t for proximity to π-pole Need to know t- dependence Extraction of Fπ requires a model incorporating pion electroproduction
Pion Electroproduction Models
MAID Only useful for W < 2 GeV, Fπ-2 kinematics above this region, too many free parameters Born term models Do not describe t-dependence well away from pole VGL/Regge (PRC 57 (1998) 1454) Appropriate at W > 2 GeV Fit to photo-production data, one free parameter Constituent Quark Model (Obukhovsky et al. Phys.Lett.B634: ) Same kinematic range as VGL/Regge, two free parameters Not previously used in data analysis
VGL Regge Model Pion electroproduction in terms of exchange of π and ρ like particles (PRC 57 (1998) 1454) Model parameters fixed from pion photoproduction Free parameters: Fπ ρ exchange does not significantly influence σL at small –t Q2 (GeV/c)2 |t| (Gev/c)2 ρ exchange effect 1.60 % 2.45 % Fit to σL to model gives Fπ at each Q2
Competing Reaction Channels
Extraction of Fπ relies on dominance of t-channel (pole dominance) BUT there are other diagrams π γ* π* p n Pole dominance tested using π-/π+ from D(e,e’p) G-parity: If pure pole then necessary R=1 Isoscalar background t-channel process (purely isovector)
Preliminary π+/π- Ratios (Fπ-1)
Preliminary analysis of Fπ-1 data suggests pole process dominates Gives confidence that can extract Fπ from σL data
Fπ-1 (E93-021) Data taken in 1997, thesis students: J. Volmer and K. Vansyoc Q2= GeV2 at W=1.95 GeV Steeper t-dependence for σL at low Q2 than in Regge model attributed to resonance background contribution VGL under-predicts σT J. Volmer et al PRL 86 (2001)
Fπ-2 (E01-004) Higher W Repeat Q2=1.60 GeV2 closer to t=mπ pole
Goal: Separate σL/σT via Rosenbluth separation for extracting Fπ using pole dominance Experiment Successfully completed in Hall C in the summer of 2003 Measure pion electroproduction from H and D Extension of Fπ-1 Higher W Repeat Q2=1.60 GeV2 closer to t=mπ pole Highest possible value of Q2 at JLab with 6 GeV beam Exp Q2 (GeV/c)2 W (GeV) |t| (Gev/c)2 Ee (GeV) Fπ-1 1.95 Fπ-2 1.6,2.5 2.22 0.093,0.189
Fπ-2 Collaboration R. Ent, D. Gaskell, M.K. Jones, D. Mack, D. Meekins, J. Roche, G. Smith, W. Vulcan, G. Warren, S. Wood Jefferson Lab, Newport News, VA , USA E.J. Brash, G.M. Huber, V. Kovaltchouk, G.J. Lolos, S. Vidakovic, C. Xu University of Regina, Regina, SK, Canada H. Blok, V. Tvaskis Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, Netherlands E. Beise, H. Breuer, C.C. Chang, T. Horn, P. King, J. Liu, P.G. Roos University of Maryland, College Park, MD, USA W. Boeglin, P. Markowitz, J. Reinhold Florida International University, FL, USA J. Arrington, R. Holt, D. Potterveld, P. Reimer, X. Zheng Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, IL, USA H. Mkrtchyan, V. Tadevosyan Yerevan Physics Institute, Yerevan, Armenia S. Jin, W. Kim Kyungook National University, Taegu, Korea M.E. Christy, C. Keppel, L.G. Tang Hampton University, Hampton, VA, USA J. Volmer DESY, Hamburg, Germany A. Matsumura , T. Miyoshi, Y. Okayasu Tohuku University, Sendai, Japan B. Barrett, A. Sarty, K. Aniol, D. Margaziotis, L. Pentchev, C. Perdrisat, I. Niculescu, V. Punjabi, E. Gibson
Fπ-2 Experimental Details
Hall C spectrometers Coincidence measurement SOS detects e- HMS detects π+ HMS Aerogel First use in 2003 Built by Yerevan group (Nucl. Instrum. Meth. A548(2005)364) Targets Liquid 4-cm H/D cells Al (dummy) target for background measurement 12C solid targets for optics calibration
Fπ-2 Kinematic Coverage
Have full coverage in φ BUT acceptance not uniform Measure σTT and σLT by taking data at three angles: θπ=0, +4, -3 degrees W/Q2 phase space covered at low and high ε is different For L/T separation use cuts to define common W/Q2 phase space Θπ=0 Θπ=+4 Θπ=-3 -t=0.1 -t=0.3 Q2=1.60, High ε
Good Event Selection Coincidence measurement between charged pions in HMS and electrons in SOS Coincidence time resolution ~ ps. π+ detected in HMS – Aerogel Cerenkov and Coincidence time for PID Electrons in SOS – identified by Cerenkov /Calorimeter Exclusive neutron final state selected with missing mass cut: 0.92 ‹ MM ‹ 0.98 GeV 2π threshold After PID cuts almost no random coincidences.
Good Event Selection: Particle Identification (Pion)
Cannot distinguish p/π+ at momenta ~ 3 GeV by TOF or gas Cerenkov Tune detection threshold for particle of interest n=1.03 for proton rejection in Fπ-2 (n=1.015 available) Aerogel Cut Efficiency (npe=3) 99.5% Proton Rejection 1:300 Note: cannot distinguish K+/π+ here
Random Background Subtraction
Random e-π background subtracted using coincidence time Contribution < 1% for H including all cuts Separate real π and p events using coincidence time Issue in random subtraction: π’s can interact in scintillators – produce slow protons Eliminate with time of flight cut Cut Efficiency: ~96% Real protons
Data Analysis Issues Kinematic Offsets – directly affect physics quantities Using the H(e,e’)p and over-constrained H(e,e’p) reactions, one can fit angle and momentum offsets. SOS saturation requires momentum dependent modification to reconstruction ~1.5% effect at pSOS=1.74 GeV HMS optics effects: Correlations in reconstructed on focal plane variables HMS Q3 current/field offset ~4 MeV across acceptance
Data Analysis Charge normalized experimental yields, background subtracted, all corrections applied Efficiencies: Computer dead time: 1-11% Tracking Efficiency: ~97% (HMS), ~99% (SOS) Electronic dead time: 0.5-1% (HMS), ~ % (SOS) Other (Coincidence Blocking, cuts etc.) Data binned in t and φπ at fixed common values of W/Q2 for high and low epsilon Compare Data to Hall C Monte Carlo – SIMC Model for H(e,e’π+) Radiative effects, pion decay, energy loss, multiple scattering COSY model for spectrometer optics Overall normalization confirmed to 2% based on e-p elastics using parameterization of world data (J.Arrington, Phys.Rev.C69:022201,2004)
SIMC – Radiative Corrections
H(e,e’p) Charged particles radiate in presence of electric field External: radiate independently – no interference terms Internal: Coherent radiation in field of primary target nucleon Description of elastic data looks good Pion radiation important, changes SIMC yield ratio ~3.5% Point-to-point uncertainty 0.5% based on radiative tail studies between ε points.
Cross Section Extraction
Cross Section Extraction requires Monte Carlo Model of spectrometer optics and acceptance W,Q2,t,φ – kinematic dependence of cross section model Experimental cross section extracted by iterating model until achieve agreement with data
Spectrometer Acceptance
Generally looks good, BUT small regions in Y’tar acceptance not well described Likely no problem if integrating over Y’tar, but relevant for binning in –t
Y’tar Acceptance Correction
Using cut dependence as systematic estimate error in one t-bin dominates. Partially correlated, so overestimates. Assume part of discrepancy due to simulation of Y’tar acceptance - can correct for this. Use elastic data and fit correction function Fit correction
Y’tar Acceptance Correction
σL vs -t Compare DATA/SIMC yields with Y’tar acceptance correction. Effect on other kinematical variables small. Best estimate of uncertainty in acceptance using acceptance weight. Total uncorrelated acceptance uncertainty: 1.3%
Separated Cross Sections and VGL/Regge Model
Fπ-2 Separated cross sections Y’tar acceptance weight applied Source Pt-Pt Scale Acceptance 1.3% 0.7% Radiative Corrections 0.5% 2.0% Pion Absorption 0.1% Pion Decay 0.03% 1.0% Model Dependence - Kinematics HMS Tracking Charge 0.3% Target Thickness 0.2% 0.8% Detection Efficiency Λπ=0.516, (GeV/c)2
Fπ-2 Results – Monopole Data point at Q2=1.60 GeV2 to check model dependence of mass pole extrapolation Agreement between Fπ-1/Fπ-2 to ~3% Confidence in reliability of method Fπ precision data follow monopole form, Λ2π=0.54 GeV2 up to Q2=1.60 GeV2 At Q2=2.45 GeV2 deviates by ~1σ. S.R. Amendolia et al., Nucl. Phys. B277 (1986)
Fπ-2 Results - Models Several calculations describe data up to Q2=1.60 GeV2 Agreement at Q2=2.45 GeV2 with QCD sum rule and CQM Small deviation from DSE/BSE ~1σ Still far from pQCD prediction V.A. Nesterenko and A.V. Radyushkin, Phys. Lett. B115 (1982) 410 P. Maris and P. Tandy Phys Rev C62 (2000) C.-W. Hwang, Phys Rev D64 (2001)
Fπ at 12 GeV Summary Significant progress on theoretical front expected in next 5 years – Lattice, GPD etc Experiments need higher energy electron beam to reach the kinematic region where pQCD expectation may be approached SHMS+HMS in Hall C will allow Fπ to be measured up to Q2=6 GeV2 – 12 GeV proposal Small forward angle crucial for Fπ experiment since need to reach low –t values.
Summary Fπ good observable to study transition region to pQCD
Results from Fπ-1 shows Q2Fπ clearly not asymptotic yet π-/π+ suggests dominance of pion exchange Fπ-2 results in a region of Q2 where Fπ calculations begin to diverge Data will constrain models describing the treatment of soft physics at higher Q2 Studies of Fπ at 12 GeV will allow us to reach the kinematic range where pQCD expectation may be approached
Effective Models QCD Sum Rules (Phys.Lett. B115(1982)410)
Use properties of Green functions – spectral function contains pion pole Quark-Hadron Duality (Eur.Phys.J. A17(2003) ) Relate hadronic content of exclusive, elastic pion form factor and inclusive pion structure function, assumes duality holds Bethe-Salpeter/Dyson-Schwinger (Phys.Rev. C62(2000)055204) Systematic expansion in terms of dressed particle Schwinger equations Constituent Quark Model (Phys. Rev. D64(2001)034001) Constituent quarks and effective interaction potential (e.g. fit from experimental data)
Electronic Dead Time Probability for event to arrive at time t> τ after first event “Measure” electronic dead time by varying gate width τ Assume that PRETRIG gate is limiting (60 ns)
CPU Dead Time Source: trigger supervisor “busy” – cannot accept pretrigger from 8LM, e.g. reading out event Measure CPU DT: ratio of events coming from/going into 8LM (single event type) Test measurement: normalized yield independent of CPU dead time
Y’tar Acceptance Correction – other variables
Compare DATA/SIMC yields with Y’tar acceptance correction. Total effect on other kinematical variables small. No Y’tar acceptance weight Y’tar acceptance weight – elastic fit
Fπ at 12 GeV Kinematics Maximize t-channel contribution to σL, increase in both Q2 and W Full φ coverage at given ε over extended –t range for separating L,T,LT and TT σL/σT~1 near –t~0.6 GeV2 at Q2=6 GeV2 To reach tmin, need θπ~5º for all kinematic settings Require good understanding of systematics – kinematic offsets Sensitive to scattering angles, beam energy and momenta
Fπ at 12 GeV – Hardware Requirements
Hall C Spectrometers Optics in HMS accumulated over 10 years, many successful L/T SHMS design similar to HMS, QQ(QD), point-to-point focusing, minimum angle 5º in SSA tune rigid optics -> good reproducibility of pointing and angular offsets flat acceptance reduces systematic error angle and momentum resolution Kinematics: Full φ coverage at high ε using three angles
Constituent Quark Model
Obukhovsky et al. use microscopic description on basis of CQM Calculate σL using both t-pole and s-, u-pole contributions Free parameters: Fπ and strong FπNN Calculation at Λπ2=0.54 Shape similar for σL Significant difference in σT I. Obukhovsky et al hep-ph/ M. Vanderhaeghen, M Guidal, J-M Laget Phys Rev C57 (1998)
Constituent Quark Model
Compare to pole exchange model (Obukhovsky et al. ) with Λπ2=0.54, Λρ2=0.54 Description of σT better – model difference: ρNN interaction Sensitivity of σT from Fπ2 may be direct measurement of Fρπγ and ρNN vertex Analogous to relation between σL and Fπ/πNN vertex Λπ=0.540 (GeV/c)2
Good Event Selection: Cuts
Spectrometer Quantities Restrict momentum to nominal acceptance region HMS dp/p: ± 8% SOS dp/p: -15% to +14% Loose cuts on spectrometer angles, allow collimator to define acceptance Missing Mass Cuts Restrict missing mass to range 0.92 to 0.96 GeV (4σ) PID Coincidence Time, HMS Aerogel, SOS gas Cerenkov, shower counter Acceptance Cuts W/Q2 cut to define common phase space at high and low ε
HMS Kinematic Calibrations
Using H(e,e’)p one can fit HMS angle and momentum offsets Assumes that beam energy known (3x10-4) Compare reconstructed W to proton mass Take into account: Correlations in reconstructed on focal plane variables Radiative effects and energy loss Vertical beam, can look like momentum offset Consistent with elastic singles data from Spring 2003 and 1999 (E. Christy) and 2004 (D. Gaskell) Quantity Value In-plane angle 0.0 mrad Momentum -0.13 %
SOS Kinematic Offsets Using the over-constrained H(e,e’p) reaction, one can fit SOS spectrometer and momentum offsets Compare W to proton mass, missing energy and components of missing momentum Input: best HMS kinematic offsets From fitted momentum offsets, one can parameterize saturation effects Effect at pSOS=1.74 GeV: ~1.5% Result consistent with Fπ-1 (scaled) and data from 2004 (B. Clasie) Quantity Value In-plane angle 0.0 mrad Momentum f(pSOS)
“Strange” Features of Data
Observe peak at ~1.16 GeV in missing mass spectrum Only in high epsilon acceptance Not part of regular analysis – eliminated by missing mass cut
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