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Subject Verb Agreement I

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1 Subject Verb Agreement I
Agreement in Number Pg. 158

2 Overview A verb must agree with its subject in number (singular and plural) In a verb phrase, the first helping verb should agree with the subject (has or have been doing) Singular subjects take singular verbs Plural subjects take plural verbs Nouns and Verbs are Opposite Singular verb have an s-plays Plural verbs do not have an s-play

3 Exceptions There are some exceptions to the opposite rule.
Irregular Plurals (Mice, Men, Women, etc) Names that end in “S” (Walters, Simms, etc) Words that end in “S” but are singular (cactus) Compound Subjects (Discuss later) Indefinite Pronouns (Discuss later)

4 How to Step 1: Locate the subject Step 2: Locate the verb
Step 3: Make sure the subject and verb are opposites The play’s a farmhouse setting are Setting-are

5 Practice The drama _______ some clever twists (contain)
Her motives ________ a mystery to everyone. (remain) John _____ been murdered in his own bed (has, have) contains remain has

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