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Goblin Shark Mitsukurina owstoni.

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Presentation on theme: "Goblin Shark Mitsukurina owstoni."— Presentation transcript:

1 Goblin Shark Mitsukurina owstoni

2 Goblin Shark Kingdom – Animalia Phylum – Chordata
Class – Chondrichthyes Order – Lamniformes Family – Mitsukarina Genus – Mitsukurina Species - Owstoni

3 Size The goblin shark can vary from about 8 feet to about 12 feet.
Size at birth is unknown but the smallest goblin shark recorded was 3.5 feet They usually weigh about 350 pounds The heaviest recorded weighed 463 pounds

4 Diet The shape of its narrow and slender teeth suggest the goblin shark eats shrimp, pelagic octopus, fish, squid, and crab.

5 Geographical Distribution
The Goblin shark is a deep-water fish that is thought to be widely distributed. It has been found in the west Pacific, west Indian, west and east Atlantic.

6 Facts The goblin shark has an elongated and flattened snout.
It’s mouth is modified to rapidly project itself forward to capture prey. A double set of ligaments in the mandibular joint thrust its jaws forward When swimming, the jaws are held tightly and spring like a catapult when the shark wants to feed.


8 Human Impact The goblin shark rarely comes into contact with humans
They are listed as “least concerned” by the World Conservation Union There is demand by some collectors for their skeletal jaws which can be worth $1,500 to $4,000

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