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Presentation on theme: "Technology."— Presentation transcript:

1 Technology

2 Standards • SPI 0707.T/E.2 –Evaluate a protocol to determine if the engineering design process was successfully applied. SPI 0707.T/E.3 -Distinguish between the intended benefits and the unintended consequences of a new technology. SPI 0707.T/E.4 Differentiate between adaptive and assistive engineered products (e.g., food, biofuels, medicines, integrated pest management)

3 Technology and Society
Technology provides solutions for many types of social, political, and economic needs. Intended Benefit An intended benefit is the positive purpose for which a technology is designed to be used. Unintended Consequences Unintended consequences are uses or results that engineers do not purposely include in the design of products. An unintended consequence can be beneficial.

4 Bioengineering The application of engineering to living things, such as humans and plants, is called bioengineering. Bioengineered technologies can be classified as either assistive or adaptive.

5 Assistive Technologies
Assistive technologies are developed to… help organisms without changing them Assist = Help Temporary Examples: Eyeglasses Wheelchairs Hearing Aids Crutches Airplane Hairbrush Doorstop

6 Adaptive Technologies
Adaptive bioengineered products… change the living organism Adapt = Change Permanent Artificial heart Knee replacement Lasik eye surgery Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) Ethanol (added to gasoline)





11 Unintended Consequence
Birthday Month January - March Adaptive April - June Assistive July - September Intended Benefit October - December Unintended Consequence

12 Airplane

13 Lasik Eye Surgery

14 Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs)

15 Ethanol

16 Hearing Aids

17 Telescope

18 Artificial Heart

19 Wireless Headphones

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