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1:1 Grades Lessons Learned

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1 1:1 Grades 9-12 - Lessons Learned
Jim Soya Mountain View School District

2 Introduction MVSD - Two buildings, 976 students
Rather than refresh student desktops we went 1:1 Chromebooks Selected Lenovo N ” Gathered “best practices” info from PETE&C and Tech Talk last year Presented our notes to administration and emphasised “Pilot” , chromebook policies, mandatory classes for students, lots of staff development.

3 Our Plan Bone up on Google Administration
Contract Migration to IntegraOne In-place Chromebook bag selection Didn’t want students removing unit from bag Evaluated several bags and selected Bump Armor Liked the handles, shoulder strap, size and amount of protection provided Tweaked their design to meet our needs

4 Our Plan - continued Purchased SherpaDesk trouble ticket system to track repairs Purchased RFID asset management to inventory Chromebooks Purchased vertical shelving for summer storage of Chromebooks Went with self insurance $30/year We cover one major incident: Cracked screen Liquid damage Dead system Free/Reduced students could make payment plan or participate at reduced rate

5 Our Plan - continued A number of teachers pursued Google Certification over the summer We had two days of Google inservice before start of school and a third day in October. Use of Google Classroom was encouraged this year and will be mandatory next year. The Principal did Chromebook policies and handling at each grade level

6 What we learned Chromebook participation was 100%
Some parents opted to have us keep their students chromebooks at school Self-insurance at $30/unit was a good fit for the amount of repairs we had. We should have held classes on handling and care of Chromebooks We should have selected a Chromebook that had a self-maintainer program

7 Questions ?

8 Shelving for Chromebooks

9 Chromebook Classes Return

10 Track Assets Return

11 Bump Armor Bag TR-13 Return

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