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Scheduling in PowerSchool for the School Year

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Presentation on theme: "Scheduling in PowerSchool for the School Year"— Presentation transcript:

1 Scheduling in PowerSchool for the 2017-2018 School Year

2 Select the high school from the district website

3 Choose the Grades option

4 Sign into PowerSchool using your Username and Password

5 1) Click on the Class Registration option to see the content areas
2) Click on the pencil to see the course options within each content area

6 Look here for prerequisites and notes
Within each content area choose the course that matches your present level. Honors requests and level adjustments should be written on the bottom of the printed page. Look here for prerequisites and notes

7 Click Okay after each content area

8 Notice there are multiple pages of electives
Notice there are multiple pages of electives. Alternate electives are in the next cluster of courses.

9 Alternate electives are chosen within this cluster

10 Reminders Print out the final screen of requested courses Sign the bottom and add any notes to the counselor including any requests for honors courses Forms should be returned to your child’s guidance counselor by December 2nd Contact your child’s counselor with questions or concerns

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