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The process of self-certification The Romanian Experience

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1 The process of self-certification The Romanian Experience
Istanbul, 16 September 2011

2 Romanian Higher Education System
National Qualifications Framework for Higher Education Self-Certification of Compatibility of the Romanian Framework with the QF for EHEA National Qualifications Register for Higher Education

3 Romanian HE System

4 Before 1989 – severely limited access to higher education
– depolitisation of the syllabi and contents; re-introducing study programmes, faculties and higher education institutions; National Council of Academic Evaluation and Accreditation – CNEAA, at the end of 1993.

5 1997-2004: systematic implementation of four fundamental objectives of the HE system:
Gradual increase of access to higher education ; Improvement of higher education and university research quality; Decentralisation of academic and financial management of HE; Fostering active networking and partnerships. 19th of June Romania signed the Joint Declaration of the European Ministers of Education in Bologna

6 compatibility of the Romanian higher education with the European recommendations and standards Strategic projects have played a crucial role in promoting all these initiatives

7 109 active higher education institutions
Academic Year : 109 active higher education institutions 56 are accredited public institutions (49 civil higher education institutions and 7 military higher education institutions) 29 are accredited private HEIs 24 private HEIs operate on provisional authorisation or are under accreditation.

8 18% HEIs are over 100 years old;
23% HEIs are between years old; 7% HEIs are between years old; 52% HEIs are 20 years old at the most.

9 Academic Year : The first ranking of Higher Education Institutions in Romania Advanced Research and Education - 12 universities Research and Education – 30 universities Education centered – 48 universities

10 National Qualifications Framework for Higher Education (NQFHE)
Learning outcomes Knowledge Skills Competences

11 Transversal competences Professional competences
SKILLS and other attainments (functional-actional dimension) Knowledge (cognitive dimension) 5. Creativity and innovation 4. Critical and constructive reflection 3. Application, transfer and problem solving 2. Explanation and interpretation 1. Knowledge, understanding and use of specific language 8. Personal and professional development 7. Social interaction 6. Autonomy and responsibility Competences Transversal competences Professional competences PROFESSIONAL QUALIFICATION


13 NQFHE Implementation in Romania
Step 1: ACPART Step 2: Strategy and agenda Step 3: The pre-development phase the establishment of a Working Group; comparative analysis of the Bologna documents (EHEA Framework) and the EQF European Commission papers; clarification of terminology and concepts so that all stakeholders have the same understanding; drafting the glossary of qualifications framework.

14 Step 5: Consultations of stakeholders
Step 4: Methodology Step 5: Consultations of stakeholders ACPART developed the NQFHE Methodology and acted as coordinator and link between all stakeholders involved in the development of the NQFHE. The stakeholders consulted were: higher education institutions, employers, trade unions, professional associations, sectoral committees, students, parents

15 Step 6: Legal approval The Methodology was officially approved by the Ministry of Education and Research by Ministerial Order no 4430/ , published in the Official Gazette of Romania Part I, no 545/

16 Steps 7, 8 & 9: The implementation phase
the description of all higher education qualifications provided by universities (in compliance with the government decisions Bachelor qualifications and of a sample of Master’s qualifications - 179), covering all fundamental study fields. a dynamic and open process which will continue as a “lifelong process” complementary documents, necessary for the NQFHE implementation

17 Step 10: RNCIS a tool for registration, updating and management of qualifications, namely degrees and awards issued by higher education institutions a multi-actor and multi-national tool of interest will be available on-line both in Romanian and in English, in order to ensure the national and international access to information

18 Step 11: The self-certification process
December Working Group met and agreed on the action plan, based on the Terms of Reference for the development of the self-certification report January first draft of the Self-certification Report February and April working meetings with representatives of stakeholders in Romania and a study visit to discuss the draft report with experts of the National Qualifications Authority of Ireland April 13, 2011 the first meeting of the Steering Committee created to approve the self-certification report The self-certification report was launched for public debate during the International Conference organised in Sinaia, on April 14-15, 2011 and was published on and for further consultation The final meeting of the Steering Committee was organised on September 5-6, 2011 in Bucharest, in order to agree on the last improvements that could be brought to the report and to validate it.


20 THANK YOU! Contacts: National Qualifications Authority
Bucharest, ROMANIA 1-3 Valter Maracineanu Square, entrance B, 2nd floor, room 164

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