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Already using VO Planning to use VO Interested in VO ASKAP CTA GAIA

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Presentation on theme: "Already using VO Planning to use VO Interested in VO ASKAP CTA GAIA"— Presentation transcript:

1 Already using VO Planning to use VO Interested in VO ASKAP CTA GAIA LIGO/VIRGO SKA EUCLID JWST LSST FAST Scalability Is interoperability possible/necessary at v. large data scales? Will there be dedicated efforts within these projects to support huge cross matches, etc.? Are the current IVOA standards scalable to the levels of the next decade? IVOA lacunae Strongest common emphasis is time domain (not just simple time series) Computation close to data: server-side analysis, user code Large data formats (HDF5) Workflows Feedback Do we need better feedback mechanisms from existing (big) projects into IVOA standards process? How do we best handle potential “forked” versions of IVOA specs in the wild? Advice What is the best way for projects to get help with VO standards? IVOA or national level projects?

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