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5/14 Current Events Watch the following videos & take notes in preparation for the next test. NBC Nightly News Be sure it is NBC for 5/13/18 Tower of London.

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Presentation on theme: "5/14 Current Events Watch the following videos & take notes in preparation for the next test. NBC Nightly News Be sure it is NBC for 5/13/18 Tower of London."— Presentation transcript:

1 5/14 Current Events Watch the following videos & take notes in preparation for the next test. NBC Nightly News Be sure it is NBC for 5/13/18 Tower of London Pedestrian Safety Transport Tunnel Put your laptops into charging stations BEFORE going to lunch and retrieve them after returning to help keep them charged.

2 5/14 Current Events Review the questions below. Watch the linked video with the questions in mind. Answer the questions. Golden State Killer What steps did the police take to capture him? What suspects did not work out? (2-4 paragraphs) Why did it take so long to capture this killer? (1-2 paragraphs) Explain why you feel they have the correct person who committed these crimes. (1-3 paragraphs) Do you feel it is acceptable to temporarily hold certain privacy expectations (not laws, only expectations) when investigating serious crimes? Explain. (3-4 paragraphs) Give two reasonable reasons someone might disagree with your above opinion (2 paragraphs) Submit all work to address posted on wall.

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