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Vocab Words Week 8 Mr. Matzka.

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Presentation on theme: "Vocab Words Week 8 Mr. Matzka."— Presentation transcript:

1 Vocab Words Week 8 Mr. Matzka

2 CC word list 8 datum (noun) a piece of information

3 dauntless (adj) fearless

4 dearth (noun) scarcity, as of something customary, essential, or desirable .

5 debase (verb) to lower in character or virtue

6 debatable (adj) subject to dispute

7 debonair (adj) having gentle or courteous bearing or manner

8 debut (noun) a first appearance in society or on the stage

9 decagon (noun) a figure with ten sides and ten angles

10 decagram (noun) a weight of 10 grams .

11 decaliter (noun) a liquid and a dry measure of 10 liters

12 decalogue (noun) the ten commandments

13 decadence (noun) moral or cultural decline as characterized by excessive indulgence in pleasure or luxury.

14 decameter (noun) a length of 10 meters

15 decamp (verb) to leave suddenly or unexpectedly

16 CC word list 8 decapitate (verb) to behead

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