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(December 2014 – November 2016, EC grant VS/2014/0533)

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1 (December 2014 – November 2016, EC grant VS/2014/0533)
Multi-Employer and Single-Employer Bargaining: Outcomes of the WIBAR-3 Project (December 2014 – November 2016, EC grant VS/2014/0533) Maarten van Klaveren AIAS-UvA BARCOM meeting Amsterdam 30 March 2017

2 Why WIBAR3? On the relevance of Multi-Employer Bargaining (MEB)
Main advantages MEB takes wages and working conditions largely out of inter-firm competition MEB expels less productive producers, allows employers to concentrate on ‘high road’ MEB extends bargaining coverage to vulnerable groups less wage inequality MEB demands less bargaining or transaction costs, in particular of SMEs Question marks MEB may hamper globalisation / international competition MEB may hamper competition in international markets And: what is an industry? Demarcation lines disappear: global value chains; new platforms related to new technology, ‘sharing economy’ (Uber, Airbnb, etc.) 5-Dec-18

3 Outline of WIBAR-3 project
Industries and Countries 5 industries: metal and electronics manufacturing, wholesale, retail (jointly commerce), ICT, transport and telecom 23 EU countries (EU28 excl. CY, LU, MT; CR, GR) Objectives identify bargaining patterns (MEB/SEB), parties and cases identify bargaining preferences of individual employees identify characteristics of companies related to industrial relations: industry/country; ownership; size; growth/decline of employment Web-based survey completed by 8 WIBAR3 researchers between July 15 – April 16 Information about 23 * 5 industry/country combinations * 5 largest companies = 575 companies 230 largest commerce companies in 23 countries: 108 foreign-owned MNEs (47%); 73 home-based MNEs (32%); 49 domestic firms (21%), totalling 14.6% of employment (4.7% in wholesale, 19.6% in retail) in 5-Dec-18

4 Trade union density (TUD), Collective bargaining coverage (CBC), Multi-employer Bargaining (MEB) and administrative extension (E1,2,3) in 18 countries, latest available data Retail Wholesale TUD CBC MEB Austria* 9* 99* 100 Belgium [E1] 25* 99 98 Czech R. [E2] 2* 55* 98* Denmark 40 50* 10* 34 France [E1] 1* 90* 82 68 Germany [E2] 10 93 6 42 81 Hungary [E3] 5* 6* Ireland [E3] 16* 18* Italy* 86 80 Lithuania [E3] 3* Netherl. [E2] 11* 95 31 94 Poland [E3] Portugal [E2] 97* Romania 22* Slovakia [E2] 23 ? 38 79 Spain [E1] 68* Sweden 28* UK 13* 5-Dec-18

5 Multi-employer (MEB and single-employer (SEB) CLAs in retail, 18 countries, latest available data, ranked according to CBC levels 5-Dec-18

6 Thank you for your attention   (reports under ‘outcomes’)
Questions? Today + (reports under ‘outcomes’) 05 December 2018

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