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Presentation on theme: "RESPECT ACHIEVE SUCCEED"— Presentation transcript:


2 Rewards and Celebrations

3 Mobile Phones Mobile phones are not allowed to be used – used means in sight anywhere on the Academy site at any time. If you are seen with phone out a member of staff will confiscate it. THIS IS NOT A MATTER FOR DISCUSSION. On the first occasion you will be able to collect your phone from the Inclusion Leaders’ Office. If it happens again, your parent or carer will have to come to the Academy to collect it.

4 Expectations A right to learn… and A responsibility to…
B Be on time for school and all your lessons. E Enter the classroom calmly ready to learn. H Have respect for others and the classroom. A Attempt the work to the best of your ability and keep on task. V Value what the teacher or other pupils answering questions are saying by actively listening. E Exit the room properly in preparation for the next lesson.

5 Bring equipment and planner Listen to and follow instructions
Arrive on time Bring equipment and planner Listen to and follow instructions Be prepared to learn Be polite


7 Pupils Out of Lessons Those with a time out pass
Those with a toilet pass Those who have a note giving permission e.g. music lesson Need to speak to Inclusion Leader Feel unwell Need the toilet Pupil leaves without permission – on call.

8 Detentions If you do not meet the expectations of the Academy you will be given a detention. There are three types of detentions: Lunchtime Faculty Detention – 20 mins After school Progress Detention – 40 mins with a Head of Faculty and Inclusion Leader Whole School Detention – with Inclusion Leader and SLT – 60 mins on a Friday.

9 C4 If your behaviour disrupts the learning of other and stops your teacher from teaching you will be instructed to leave your lesson. You have a right to education BUT so do others. You will be removed to another classroom You will be given a further sanction e.g department or whole school detention You are putting your place at TKA at risk.

10 Exclusion If you are involved in a serious incident or you are persistently disruptive you may be excluded from The Kingsway Academy. Internal Exclusion in ICE External Exclusion Both will be recorded on your school record Both will results in you meeting with a member of the SLT and/or Governor


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