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Prospective graduate student open house

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1 Prospective graduate student open house
High energy physics: The most fundamental questions, the biggest and coolest toys David Toback Texas A&M University Prospective graduate student open house 3/26/2018

2 The most fundamental questions
The high energy group is a central part of the Mitchell institute for fundamental physics and astronomy We focus on the interconnection between particle physics and cosmology



5 Biggest toys: The CMS experiment at the large hadron collider
27 km in Circumference! One of the largest and the most complex scientific instrument ever conceived & built by humankind Biggest toys: The CMS experiment at the large hadron collider Tour this afternoon of the CMS electronics labs Tour this afternoon of our particle accelerator laboratories

6 Coolest toys: The Cdms and lz experiments to search for dark matter
Tour this afternoon of the CDMS detector fabrication labs These detectors are at 15 kelvin!

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