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What have we learned about rewards?

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Presentation on theme: "What have we learned about rewards?"— Presentation transcript:

1 What have we learned about rewards?

2 We are commanded to pursue rewards
We are accountable for the way we live To get rewards we need to live a rewardable life Our Judge is just, but also merciful Those who show mercy will receive mercy We will be judged on how much we achieve our God-given potential

3 Faithful believers will rule with Christ forever
Everyone will be evaluated before God We decide which judgment we will face We must decide if we are ready to face the Lord Good works clothe us for the Kingdom celebration An enduring love means an enduring reward

4 Rewards are personal A rewardable life deals with all the issues we face

5 Thyatira

6 Thyatira – 2:18-18 I. The Presentation 18 II. The Evaluation III. The Stipulation a IV. The Affirmation 26b-28 V. The Reception

7 An uncompromising life leads to significant reward.
An uncompromising person is given great honor.


9 Similar vision to 1:13-15 except here He is called the Son of God.
Pictured as One sees, with penetrating vision, and judges. Presentation 2:18

10 An Impressive List of Accomplishments (v. 19)
(Good) works Love Service Faith Growth to maturity Evaluation 2:19-24

11 Allowed a false prophetess (Jezebel) to lead believers into sexual immorality and fellowship with Satanic entities – 1 Cor. 10:14-22 Both passages include believers! Even one thing is a bad thing, especially if it’s a significant thing. Evaluation 2:19-24

12 Evaluation 2:19-24 Jezebel 1 Kings 16:29-34; 2 Kings 9:30-37
The successful trade guilds in the city were often involved in idol worship which often involved sexual sins and profane worship. Evaluation 2:19-24

13 Evaluation 2:19-24 God often gives us time to deal with issues.
Caution: We may confuse God’s patience with indifference. Evaluation 2:19-24

14 Evaluation 2:19-24 We can avoid temporal judgment by repentance.
This is the consistent message throughout the Bible. “sickbed…great tribulation” Acts 5:1-11; 1 Cor. 11:30; 1 Pet. 4:18; 1 John 5:16-17 Evaluation 2:19-24

15 The emphasis in v. 23 seems to be judgment for their works now.
That evaluation also awaits us in the future. 2 Cor. 5:10-11 (Mt. 16:27; Rev. 22:12) Evaluation 2:19-24

16 Evaluation 2:24 “Deep”, Satanic teaching. v. 13
Eph. 6:12 – The real battle 1 Tim. 4:1-2 – There are spirits that impact what people believe with lies and Satanic teaching. Satan’s teachings work to destroy our walk with the Lord. Though more could be said, God is gracious. Evaluation 2:24

17 Stipulation 2:25 God notices those who are faithful.
Their requirement? “Hold fast what you have until I come”. Stipulation 2:25

18 This reward is available to the one who “overcomes…and keeps (His) works until the end”.
Perseverance is not a requirement to prove you’re a believer, but it is a requirement to reign with Christ. Stipulation 2:25-26a

19 2 Tim. 2:12 “If we endure, we shall also reign with Him”. “Power over the nations” (Co-heirship) Psalm 2 The great Messianic Psalm of the ruling Messiah… …and HE applies it to faithful believers! Affirmation 2:26b-28

20 Affirmation 2:27 We get this the same way Jesus got it!
“As I also received from My Father” Phil. 2:5-11 This is not a discussion of getting eternal life by faith! Many understand it as directed toward all believers and not rewards. Jesus earned His right to rule and so do we! Affirmation 2:27

21 Affirmation 2:28 “Morning Star” Rev. 22:16; 2 Pet. 1:19
Possibly a reference to intimacy with Christ, the One who heralds the new Day for Creation. Affirmation 2:28

22 “An ear to hear…” Those who are spiritually receptive and perceptive.
Reception 2:29

23 Hang in there, don’t compromise, stay faithful!
In Thyatira, they had a great church that caved in on one key area and it hurt them. The message is clear: Hang in there, don’t compromise, stay faithful! Reception 2:29

24 But, never forget that God notices.
One of the most difficult things in the world is to stand firm when those around you are compromising. But, never forget that God notices. Reception 2:29

25 An uncompromising life leads to significant reward.
An uncompromising person is given great honor.

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