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Shaping the Landscape Weathering Connections Pg 6-7 LO:

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Presentation on theme: "Shaping the Landscape Weathering Connections Pg 6-7 LO:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Shaping the Landscape Weathering Connections Pg 6-7 LO: To know the four processes of weathering

2 What is weathering and how does it work?
To this… Why? From this…..

3 A good example is letting a boiled
What is weathering? Weathering is the breaking down or wearing away of minerals where they lie (in situ). A good example is letting a boiled sweet dissolve in your mouth without biting it.

4 Weathering produces some spectacular landscapes …
What is weathering? Weathering produces some spectacular landscapes …

5 Generally, there are three main types of weathering
Freeze Thaw Weathering Chemical weathering Biological weathering

6 Freeze thaw weathering
Keywords Cracks in rock; freezes = water expands; thaws = water contracts; repeating = cracks breaking up, rock splits; forms scree

7 Freeze thaw weathering

8 Biological weathering
Key words Plants or animals; seeds in cracks; moisture = roots grow; widen cracks; rock falls apart and get into soil

9 Chemical weathering

10 Limestone pavements are an excellent example
Chemical weathering Keywords Rainwater = v weak acid; acid attacks rock; rock rots away/crumbles and enters soil; speeded up by heat; churchyards Limestone pavements are an excellent example

11 Green book called “Geography” pg 101-102
Task One Connections pg 7, Activities 1b-4 Task Two Green book called “Geography” pg Read pg 101 Do Activites 1 & 2 on pg 101 & 102 Copy Key words on pg 101




15 Task Place the following phrases in the correct box to show the
process of biological weathering Roots develop Roots break up rock Crack gives moisture and shelter Seeds blow into crack Tree grows



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