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Presentation on theme: "Jeopardy."— Presentation transcript:

1 Jeopardy

2 Final Jeopardy Question
Populations Webs and Chains Symbiosis Vocabulous Biomes Not on test but try me anyway Misc. 500 500 500 500 500 500 400 400 400 400 400 400 300 300 300 300 300 300 200 200 200 200 200 200 100 100 100 100 100 100 Final Jeopardy Question

3 Category 1 500 pts This type of population growth (both names)
Logistic/ Sigmoidal Back

4 Category 1 400 pts The maximum level of population which can
be supported by an ecosystem Carrying Capacity Back

5 Category 1 300 pts A factor in the environment that affects populations regardless of the number or distribution of the population Density Independent Limiting Factor Back

6 Category 1 200 pts A population pattern resulting from even distribution of resources. Uniform Distribution Back

7 Category 1 100 pts The interaction between two organisms
That require the same resource. Competition Back

8 Category 2 500 pts Another name for primary consumers herbivores Back

9 Category 2 400 pts True or False:
As you go up the energy pyramid more energy is available to each trophic level. false Back

10 Category 2 300 pts In the following food chain which is the producer?
Algae Insect Bass Algae Back

11 Several food chains that are connected make a …...
Category 2 200 pts Several food chains that are connected make a …... Food web Back

12 Category 2 100 pts The original source of energy is _______ The sun

13 A tapeworm is an example of a _____________ .
Category 3 500 pts A tapeworm is an example of a _____________ . parasite Back

14 A relationship in which both organisms benefit
Category 3 400 pts A relationship in which both organisms benefit mutualism Back

15 Category 3 300 pts In a relationship between owls and mice, the owls are the ___________. predator Back

16 Category 3 200 pts A relationship in which one organism benefits and the other is not affected. commensalism Back

17 Category 3 100 pts Lions eating a zebra is an example of…. predation

18 Category 4 500 pts All of the different populations living within a certain area make up a Community Back

19 Category 4 400 pts Organisms that break-down organic matter and return the nutrients to the soil. Decomposers Back

20 Category 4 300 pts An organism’s role in the ecosystem is its _____________. Niche Back

21 Category 4 200 pts Members of a single species that live in the same place at the same time population Back

22 Category 4 100 pts The place an organisms lives Habitat Back

23 Category 5 500 pts This biome has frozen soil most of the year Tundra

24 Category 5 400 pts The reason why so few trees grow in the grassland
Not enough rain; frequent fires. Back

25 Category 5 300 pts The biome with the most diverse wildlife Rainforest

26 Category 5 200 pts The most common tree in the taiga Evergreen/Pines

27 Category 5 100 pts This forest loses its leaves every fall
Temperate Forest Back

28 Category 6 500 pts What effect does predation have on biodiversity?
Increases biodiversity by limiting impact of prey species. Back

29 Category 6 400 pts The study of relationships between living things and their environments. Ecology Back

30 Category 6 300 pts True or False: Predation limits competition in prey species. True Back

31 Category 6 200 pts Name three of the elements or compounds that get recycled in every ecosystem. Nitrogen, Oxygen, Carbon, Phosphorus, Water Back

32 Category 6 100 pts True or False: Abiotic factors are non-living. True

33 Final Jeopardy Time is up! You have 45 sec!
What kind of interaction does this graph show, and what does the green line represent? Time is up! Predator/Prey Interaction, Prey You have 45 sec! Back

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