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Magmatic Phases - I.

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Presentation on theme: "Magmatic Phases - I."— Presentation transcript:

1 Magmatic Phases - I

2 Magmatic Phases - II

3 Conceptual Models of Silicate Melts
From Carmichael et al. 1974

4 Specific Volume of Pure Water
Geothermal Gradient Critical Point From Burnham et al., 1969

5 Specific Volume of Water vs. Pressure
specific volume = 1 / r 0.1 g/cm3 rmagma = 2.2 g/cm3

6 Magmatic Volatile Reservoirs
PH2O < Pf Px = Py = Pz Isostatic = Lithostatic pressure

7 Water Solubility vs. Pressure
“Cold-Seal” bomb Pressure medium Platinum capsule: contains melt + dissolved volatiles To pump to increase pressure From Moore et al., 1998

8 Depolymerization of Silicate Melts

9 Speciation of Water in Silicate Melts
H2O + O2- = 2OH- in melt in melt From Silver et al., 1990

10 CO2 Solubility in Silicate Melts

11 Pressure Effects on Volatile-rich Systems

12 Volatiles and Eruptions


14 Explosive Eruptions

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