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EnTranCe: Centre of Expertise Energy “If we want things to stay as they are, things will have to change.” Dr. Ir. Jan-jaap Aué, Dean Centre of Expertise.

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Presentation on theme: "EnTranCe: Centre of Expertise Energy “If we want things to stay as they are, things will have to change.” Dr. Ir. Jan-jaap Aué, Dean Centre of Expertise."— Presentation transcript:

1 EnTranCe: Centre of Expertise Energy “If we want things to stay as they are, things will have to change.” Dr. Ir. Jan-jaap Aué, Dean Centre of Expertise Energy Hanze University of Applied Sciences

2 Hanze University of Applied Sciences, Groningen
Established in 1798 Professionally oriented higher education Applied Research Programmes 55+ Bachelor programmes, 18 Master programmes; 3 focal areas: Energy, Healthy Ageing, Entrepreneurship (Quality hallmark VNO NCW Entrepreneurship) Partner in the Energy Academy Europe 3300 Staff members 28,500 students choose our university; 10% international, 72 nationalities Hanze University of Applied Sciences has been ranked in the top 5 educational institutions in the world in the category Graduate companies and top 3 in the category regional focus U-Multirank 2017.

3 Focused on Societal Challenges Applied Research Portfolio
Applied Research Centres Focused on Societal Challenges Applied Research Portfolio 50 professors, 220 lecturers, 99 PhD students Centre of Expertise Healthy Ageing Centre of Expertise Energy Marian van Os Centre for Entrepeneurship Research Centre Arts & Society Research Centre Biobased Economy Research Centre for Built Environment NoorderRuimte 12/5/2018 Centre of Expertise Energy

4 International Academic- and Business networks
Hanze University of Applied Sciences Groningen Our strategy at work: Businesspartners 2400+ New Jobs International Academic- and Business networks 12/5/2018 Centre of Expertise Energy

Why? Versterken regionale economie en werkgelegenheid en onderwijs. Veilig en gezond. ENTRANCE How? laagdrempelig dynamisch open multidisciplinair micro – macro = meso kracht van digitalisering verbonden met de samenleving een broedplaats waar veel kan en mag BuildinG ZAP (1 & 2) Economie en Werkgelegenheid Digital Society Hub What? duurzame energiehuishouding vitale economie vitaal leven veilig wonen voedsel veiligheid duurzame mobiliteit Health hub Roden

6 Focal Area (Sustainable) Energy
12/5/2018 At the Energy Transition Centre (EnTranCe) of the Hanze University of Applied Sciences, students (MBO/HBO/WO) and researchers join forces with businesses, organizations, policy makers and the general public to build tomorrow’s sustainable society. Education, applied research, business community and society come together at EnTranCe to make a contribution to the energy transition. Through becoming acquainted, sharing knowledge and collaborating new ideas, energy systems and breakthrough technologies are being technically established with the aim to be integrated in the market. EnTranCe is the contribution of the Hanze University of Applied Sciences in the Energy Academy Europe Centre of Expertise Energy

7 October 2015 Opening by King Willem Alexander

8 Open model in education / research / innovation
Public-Private Partnership of Businesspartners, Hanze University of Applied Sciences, University of Groningen Top Research Applied research/ innovation Education (focus on interdisciplinary) Urgent energy challenges (global warming, energy security, economic growth) for public and private sector. Open model in education / research / innovation Focus on transition to sustainable, reliable and affordable energy! Fieldlab of Energy Academy Europe at Hanze UAS: EnTranCe (The Energy Transition Center)

9 12/5/2018 Centre of Expertise Energy

10 Speeding up Innovation
At the Centre of Expertise Energy, we speed up innovations needed for the transition towards a sustainable energy society. We contribute by applied research and education. HOW? An interdisciplinary and multilevel approach The establishment of co-ownership from Society Involving young people Showing options and their impact In dialogue with stakeholders 12/5/2018 Centre of Expertise Energy

11 Applied Research on (sustainable) Energy
At the Centre of Expertise Energy we focus on five main topics (7 professorships) Hybrid energy system design & management Alternative gasses & hybrid fuels Energy interventions & behaviour, public support & communication New economic realities, labour market, governance & legal aspects in the energy sector Sustainable communities & local initiatives 12/5/2018 Centre of Expertise Energy

12 Resultaten Energie Onderwijs; sinds 2012 ca 1250 studenten meer dan 15 ECTS Energie, Bijna 350 studenten op Entrance. 3 Masterprogramma’s 4e in ontwikkeling Onderzoek; Groei naar meer dan 4 miljoen Euro onderzoeksvolume per jaar, 20 promovendi, bijna 100 projectpartners uit het bedrijfsleven. Ondernemerschap; gegroeid naar jaarlijks startups ism de EAE en het CVO. Vestiging van 5 bedrijven in opstartfase op EnTranCe. Binnen Energy Academy Europe verband leggen we de verbinding met MBO en WO partners

13 Ameland in Transition short video on EnTranCe and the island of Ameland 13

14 Jan-jaap Aué Dean Centre of Expertise Energy

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