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Metadata Management at GESIS-ZA Reiner Mauer GESIS – Data Archive and Data Analysis CESSDA-Expert Seminar Odense, September 11th 2008.

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Presentation on theme: "Metadata Management at GESIS-ZA Reiner Mauer GESIS – Data Archive and Data Analysis CESSDA-Expert Seminar Odense, September 11th 2008."— Presentation transcript:

1 Metadata Management at GESIS-ZA Reiner Mauer GESIS – Data Archive and Data Analysis CESSDA-Expert Seminar Odense, September 11th 2008

2 Metadata Management: Requirements Support of common metadata elements Interoperable with existing systems Different user roles (management of access/edit rights) Quick and easy update of metadata for end-users Support for parallel content in different languages Long-term preservation

3 Metadata Management: simplified overview schema Dataset Documentation Manager (DSDM) edit or create variable documentation DDI/XML long term preservation OSIRIS codebook migration Data processing (cleaning, standardizing, harmonizing, integrating, cumulating) DBKEdit metadata on study level: study descriptions + internal administrative metadata Data holdings catalogue (DBKSearch) ZA CodebookExplorer ZACAT (Nesstar) DDI/XML SPSS XML (DDI) Presentation / RetrievalCreation / Administration

4 Metadata Management: Metadata on Study Level DBKEdit 1.2 Web based system with backend database (MySQL) External and internal (administrative) metadata DDI compliant structure of standard ZA study description User Roles for internal and external metadata fields Parallel English/German content Export to DDI 2.0 Control publication options for related materials (questionnaires, reports, …) DBKSearch 1.2 (Data Holdings Catalogue) Web based search in up to date backend database

5 Metadata Management: Study Level, DBKEdit

6 Metadata Management: Metadata on Variable Level DSDM 2.5 (Dataset Documentation Manager) Stand-alone application with backend database DDI compliant structure of metadata English/German interface Parallel English/original language content (unicode) Import SPSS and/ or XML metadata Export DDI 2.0 metadata or CodebookExplorer database with integration of study level metadata ZACAT (NESSTAR), CodebookExplorer 3.3 Web based or offline search/browse metadata

7 Metadata Management: Metadata on Variable Level DSDM 2.5 Special Functions Input and edit question and answer texts, interviewer instructions, forward/backward filters, subquestions (item batteries), archival notes, variable groups Documentation of comparative datasets by definition of specifics (regional or temporal deviations) Documentation of original questionnaire languages Re-use question and answer texts from existing studies Export Nesstar specific DDI for publication Export long-term preservation DDI with complete structure CodebookExplorer Database Wizard

8 Metadata Management: DSDM 2.5, Dataset Catalogue

9 Metadata Management: DSDM 2.5, Question Catalogue

10 Metadata Management: DSDM Special Nesstar Export Functions Build embedded links to related documents published via data holdings catalogue Creation of variable groups Selection of CodebookExplorer Database to include links to comparable variables (over time or space) supports ZACAT Nesstar Extension for: Trend comparison Country/Language comparison Show Card pictures

11 Metadata Management: Nesstar Extension for Comparison ZACAT: Identification of Trends Example: European Value Study 1999/2000 Comparison with similar questions from 1. and 2. wave

12 Metadata Management: Nesstar Extension for Comparison ZACAT: Comparison of language versions Example: European Value Study 1999/2000 (33 Countries, 28 Languages, 39 Datasets)

13 Metadata Management: Nesstar Extension for Comparison ZACAT: Inclusion of Show Card Pictures Example: European Value Study 1999/2000

14 Metadata Management: ZA CodebookExplorer ZA CodebookExplorer 3.4: original language and show card support browse studies or trends (continuity guides etc.) user can define own view on collections of studies search in study or variable descriptions simple analysis like frequencies or crosstabs show questionnaires access SPSS datasets

15 Metadata Management: ZA CodebookExplorer ZA CodebookExplorer 3.4: original language and show card support browse studies or trends (continuity guides etc.) user can define own view on collections of studies search in study or variable descriptions simple analysis like frequencies or crosstabs show questionnaires access SPSS datasets

16 Metadata Management: Future Developments DDI 3.0 Compatibility Advanced Reporting Facilities Integration of workflows and tools integration of DSDM, DBKEdit, CBE reporting plus functionality to replace SPSS for metadata/data procession (implementation depends on availability of funding) Thank you!

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