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2 ICP-RIE equipment for ALE applications
Corial 210IL 12/5/2018 ICP-RIE equipment for ALE applications Enlarged functionality with capability to etch silicon, GaN, 2D materials, … at the atomic scale Support time-multiplexed processes in conventional dry etch reactor Smaller wafer pieces up to full 200 mm wafer Corial 210IL ALE Applications

3 performances atomic scale etching on corial 210IL with cosma pulse software

4 Atomic scale process reminder
12/5/2018 Process Steps Adsorption step Formation of reactive monolayer Purge step Evacuation of the excess adsorbent species Desorption step Exposure of the reactive monolayer to form volatile species Cleaning the reactor of all species KEREN J. KANARIK et. al., Moving atomic layer etch from lab to fab, Solid State Technology 2014 Applications of Atomic Scale Etching Power and RF&MW electronics R&D, nanotechnology nm-scale IC technology… Corial 210IL ALE Applications

5 Atomic scale etching of silicon
12/5/2018 Process Steps Advanced tuning of RF pulsing (red) to control ion energy Independent and rapid pulsing of chlorine (blue) and argon (green) flows during adsorption and desorption steps The laser signal shows an etch rate of 1.68 Å/cycle Corial 210IL ALE Applications

6 Atomic scale etching of silicon
12/5/2018 Performances Si wafer before etching Roughness = nm Si wafer after etching of 0.5 µm Roughness = nm Corial 210IL ALE Applications

7 Atomic scale etching of gan
12/5/2018 Process Steps CORIAL process steps for GaN recess etch Process steps RF Power (W) Pressure (mT) Chemistry Pulsed parameters Step 1 - Adsorption 10 25 Cl2 Ar Chlorine Step 2 - Purge Step 3 - Desorption 100 RF power Weak RF plasma activation of Cl2 is used to enhance chlorination of GaN surface Desorption of by-products is achieved in RIE mode by Ar+ Corial 210IL ALE Applications

8 CORIAL process steps for GaN recess etch
Atomic scale etching of gan 12/5/2018 Process Steps CORIAL process steps for GaN recess etch Corial 210IL ALE Applications

9 Atomic scale etching of gan
12/5/2018 Performances 2’’ Sapphire wafer AlxGa1-xN / AlxGa1-xN <Si> / AlN stack GaN 50 A 1.2 µm Recess etch CORIAL process performances Process Total process duration (min) Number of cycles Period (s) Etch depth (Å) Etch rate (Å/cycle) (Å/min) ALE GaN recess etch 20 300 6 50 0.4 4 Corial 210IL ALE Applications

10 Atomic scale etching of gan
12/5/2018 Performances HEMT Transistor performances before (left curves) and after recess etching (right curves) Higher transconductance is obtained No deterioration of the drain current is obtained after ALE-like recess etching Corial 210IL ALE Applications

11 Software description cosma pulse

12 COSMA Pulse is a control software that broadens conventional tools’ process capabilities to enable time-multiplexed processes

13 Cost effective upgrade
Cosma pulse benefits 12/5/2018 Advanced Process Control Enhanced functionality ALL PARAMETERS CAN BE CONTROLLED AND PULSED Short step times 10 ms DATA AQUISITION Cost effective upgrade FOR CORIAL SYSTEMS INSTALLED AT CUSTOMERS’ SITES Advanced process editing SET TO, RAMP TO AND PULSE FUNCTIONS +/-0,1% ACCURACY ON BIAS FINE TUNING Corial 210IL ALE Applications

14 System description Corial 210IL

15 Corial 210IL ALE Applications
System description 12/5/2018 General View THE MOST COMPACT MACHINE ON THE MARKET ICP source 960 750 360 1570 600 420 390 490 30 % SMALLER FOOTPRINT Corial 210IL ALE Applications

16 Corial 210IL ALE Applications
System description 12/5/2018 Detailed View EPD with laser ICP reactor Load lock Pumping system (TMP 500l/s and dry pump 110 m3/h) Chiller / Heater HV and LV power supplies ICP generator (2 Mhz) RF generator (13,56 Mhz) Process controller Corial 210IL ALE Applications

17 < 180 s Vacuum robot Shuttle System description Loading 12/5/2018

18 Shuttle holding approach corial 210IL

19 Shuttle holding approach
12/5/2018 Portfolio Clamping ring Quartz shuttle Wafers Wafer Moving plate O’rings O’ring Base plate Aluminum table Guaranteed no wafer damage due to SOFT wafer clamping Corial 210IL ALE Applications

20 Shuttle holding approach
12/5/2018 Benefits Quick adaptation to sample shape and size Optimum process conditions with NO modification of process chamber Limited cross contamination between processes by using dedicated shuttles Shuttles for single wafer treatment: 1 x 2”, 1 x 3”, 1 x 4”, 1 x 6”, 1 x 8” Shuttles for batch processing : 7 x 2”, 3 x 3” Customized shuttles are available (4” x 4”, 5” x 5”, etc) Corial 210IL ALE Applications

21 usability corial 210IL

22 Process control software
12/5/2018 COSMA COSMA CORIAL OPERATING SYSTEM FOR MACHINE The simplest, most efficient software to develop processes, operate, and maintain CORIAL systems DESKTOP APPLICATION Process Editing I Process Adjustment I Process Operation I Process Tracability I System Maintenance REMOTE CONTROL MOBILE APPLICATION Module & Process Follow-Up I Alarms & Warnings Connected Users NEW 2018 Corial 210IL ALE Applications

23 Reprocessing software
12/5/2018 COSMA RS DISPLAY UP TO 4 PARAMETERS FROM A RUN Simple and efficient software to analyze process runs and accelerate process development REMOTE ANALYSIS OF RUNS DRAG AND DROP CURVES TO CHECK PROCESS REPEATABILITY Corial 210IL ALE Applications

24 End point detection EPD with laser Real-Time etch rate measurement
12/5/2018 EPD with laser A CCD camera and laser diode, in the same measuring head, enables simultaneous visualization of the wafer surface and the laser beam impact on it. A 20 µm diameter laser spot facilitates the record of interference signals. Real-Time etch rate measurement Real-Time etched depth measurement Corial 210IL ALE Applications

25 ICP-RIE equipment for ALE applications
Corial 210IL 12/5/2018 ICP-RIE equipment for ALE applications Enlarged functionality with capability to etch silicon, GaN, 2D materials, … at the atomic scale Support time-multiplexed processes in conventional dry etch reactor Smaller wafer pieces up to full 200 mm wafer Corial 210IL ALE Applications

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