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The Articles of Confederation

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1 The Articles of Confederation
Strengths and Weaknesses

2 The Articles of Confederation
The first system of government designed by the Founding Fathers was a Confederation. Under a Confederate system, the National or Central Government is given only a few powers, while most of the power is reserved for the States.

3 The Articles had 2 major achievements:
Bringing the Revolutionary War to a successful conclusion. North West Ordinance (plan for governing the western lands)

4 Copy the following T-Chart into your notebook…
Strengths Weaknesses

5 The National Congress:
Strength Weakness Declare War Establish an Army/Navy No power to draft soldiers

6 The National Congress:
Strength Weakness Borrow Money No power to tax the States

7 The National Congress:
Strength Weakness Make peace and sign treaties (agreements with other countries) No power to enforce treaties

8 The National Congress:
Strength Weakness Were done here… No President No Court System No National Currency No control over trade between states.

9 The National Congress:
Strength Weakness No seriously, there aren’t any more… Passing a law required a 2/3 vote!

10 The National Congress:
Strength Weakness Why are you still looking over here? Amending (changing) the Articles had to be unanimous!

11 You will now read “Shay’s Rebellion” on pages
***You will now read “Shay’s Rebellion” on pages in the blue Florida Civics book. When you are done reading answer the following question in your notebook underneath your T-chart. Essential Question: Which weakness of The Articles of Confederation was highlighted during Shay’s Rebellion?

12 Now let’s see if we can fix this mess…

13 “New and Improved” Articles of Confederation Competition!
You and your partner will propose a new version of the Articles of Confederation that addresses at least FOUR of the major weaknesses discussed. You will use the handout provided for your proposal. Each group will introduce their proposal to the class. Then everyone will vote on the group that created the best “New and Improved” Articles of Confederation. That group will receive a prize…

14 “New and Improved” Proposal
Name Weakness #1 How would you fix this weakness in your new Articles of Confederation? Give details about this solution and any requirements that are necessary to complete it. (How will it be effective?) Name Weakness #2- Answers to 1. and 2. Name Weakness #3- Answers to 1. and 2. Name Weakness #4- Answers to 1. and 2.

15 Weaknesses that need to be fixed…
No Chief Executive No National Court System No Power to Draft Soldiers No Power to Control Interstate Commerce No Power to Enforce Treaties No Power to Collect Taxes from the States Difficult to Pass Laws (2/3 vote) No National Currency Unanimous Vote Needed to Change Articles ***Pick at least FOUR to fix with your partner!

16 EXIT SLIP… Why was The Article of Confederation ineffective in allowing the Government to deal with a national crisis?

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