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Current Issues in Sport

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Presentation on theme: "Current Issues in Sport"— Presentation transcript:

1 Current Issues in Sport
Technology in Sport Current Issues in Sport

2 Learning outcomes Introduce how technological developments have affected sports in general

3 Task Choose a sport and write down how technological factors have improved it

4 Introduction task Write down all the changes you think have happened in both clips.. How do Olympians keep improving? Gymnastics

5 Clothing How has clothing developed? Buoyant polyurethane swimsuits
Under Armour Anything else?


7 Personal Protective Equipment?

8 Cameras Camera technology has moved forward tremendously especially in the last 5 years Movement analysis Image creation Nano-photography (freezes the action) Q. What benefits does camera technology bring to one of your sports?

9 Continued.. Camera replay systems allow ‘critical incidents’ in sport to be analysed to give the correct decision or to aid the referee if he/she is unsure Rugby tries Cricket shots Run outs Third-eye principle Hawk eye challenge England Vs Germany However...


11 Analysis Drug testing capabilities
80% are at random and can be performed outside the laboratory Can you think of athletes that have been caught cheating due to drug testing capabilities? Dwain Chambers Christine Ohronugu Ben Johnson Leshawn Merrit Linford Christie Rio Ferdinand Flo-Jo Asafa Powell Justin Gatlin Maria Sharapova

12 **TASK** Pick an element of technology in your sport and state how it has changed and improved the game/performance

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