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Thomas Jefferson The New Country.

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1 Thomas Jefferson The New Country

2 Washington’s Farwell Address

3 Federalists vs. the Democratic-Republicans
Adams, Jefferson, and Aaron Burr Jefferson and Burr got the same exact number of votes It went to the house of representatives and Jefferson won Burr becoming vice president The 12th amendment made it so the vice president was voted on separately -1804

4 Jefferson becomes president
Jefferson was the first president to be swore into office in Washington D.C. Instead of the traditional horse drawn carriage, Jefferson walked to and from the ceremony

5 Aaron Burr and Alexander Hamilton
These two men were political enemies They hated each other Burr ran for governor of New York in 1804 Hamilton campaigned viciously against Burr causing him to lose the nomination Burr then challenged Hamilton to a duel There are differing accounts as to what exactly happened

6 The Duel

7 What Became of Aaron Burr?
He was charged with murder in New York and New Jersey He finished out his vice presidency He tried to take over the Louisiana Territory with James Wilkinson the commander-in-chief of the army Burr was on his way to take over the Spanish-American territory when the U.S. got suspicious. In order to save himself, Wilkinson put all of the blame on Burr Burr was arrested but acquitted on a technicality He then moved to Europe because everyone hated him

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