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Long-Term Power Outage Planning Workshop

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Presentation on theme: "Long-Term Power Outage Planning Workshop"— Presentation transcript:

1 Long-Term Power Outage Planning Workshop
for the Wisconsin Emergency Management – West Central Region February 17, 2010 funding and other support for this workshop provided by: West Central Wisconsin Regional Planning Commission

2 Workshop Agenda 9:00-9:15 Meet and Greet - Jennifer Lord-Kouraichi, Office of Justice Assistance 9:15-9:30 Opening - Chris Straight, West Central Wisconsin Regional Planning Commission 9:30-11:00 “The Kentucky Experience” - Mark Garland, Kentucky Emergency Management 11:00-11:15 Break 11:15-12:15 Wisconsin Efforts - Kristin Gunther, Wisconsin DATCP “Where’s the Fuel?” - Pat O’Connor, Wis Emgy Mgmt 12:15-1:00 Lunch 1:00-3:00 SOG Planning Workshop - Rhonda Reynolds & Tom Grahek, Wisconsin Emergency Management 3:00-3:15 Wrap-Up

3 Distribute Final Report
LTPO Project Scope Pre-Planning ( ) Primary Goal Better prepare our region in four functional areas pertaining to a LTPO event: local command & control structure community-based residential facilities 3. independent special needs populations 4. emergency fueling Secondary Goals 1. Provide findings (risks, needs, recommendations) for potential incorporation into regional and State plans. 2. Increase general awareness of and discussion on LTPO risks and vulnerabilities, and related response. Planning Workshop (February 2010) Tabletop Exercises (2) (March 2010) prepare After-Action Reports Post-TTX Meeting (May-July 2010) Distribute Final Report (Fall 2010)

4 Tabletop Exercises facilitated by WEM County/HCN Emergency Management Directors requested to identify participants (by March 1, 2010) Not all roles may be filled for all counties WCWRPC will send invitations with location and agenda Spectators may join as space allows (contact me) Additional insight into the TTXs during afternoon presentations


6 Somewhat Unique... 33 different electric distributors (2006)
3 investor owned 15 cooperatives 15 municipal

7 Paperwork... Evaluation Survey

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