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Redemption & Life Everlasting

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1 Redemption & Life Everlasting
The soul gives life to the body and will live forever. It does not die when the body dies, but it goes to God. On the night before He died, Jesus told His apostles, “ I go to prepare a place for you. If I go to prepare a place for you, I am coming again and I will take you to Myself; that where I am, there you also may be.” (John 14, 2-4)

2 Heaven Definition: The place where we will live with God forever if we do good on earth. Here we shall see God face to face and know every one by name.

3 Hell Definition: God created Hell to contain Lucifer and the rebel angels. It is a place of punishment for those who do evil and are never sorry for their sins. Hell is the loss of God forever. God gave us free will, so that like Him, we can love. Love is freely given – it cannot be forced. Therefore we can choose to reject God.

4 Purgatory Definition: The place where souls are made completely pure after death before entering Heaven. We can help the souls in purgatory through prayer. Think of purgatory as a penalty box in a hockey game. A player sits to serve the time of a given penalty, for an offense not severe enough to earn outright expulsion from the game.

5 How Can We Get to Heaven? God sent His Son Jesus to earth to lead His sheep to Heaven. He showed us how to pray, treat others and He gave us the sacraments. He also showed us how to avoid sin. This can be challenging, as the devil will always try to lure us away from God.

6 Journey Through the Labyrinth
Definition: A labyrinth is a structure with a single path leading to the centre. Many Christian pilgrims used it as tool for imitating the Stations of the Cross. It is important to prepare yourself for the trials and temptations in this life. With the help of prayer and the sacraments, this is possible. The visual reminder of the labyrinth can help demonstrate this.

7 Create Your Own Labyrinth
ACTIVITY: 1) Recreate a labyrinth using the pattern given. 2) With a partner, or alone, pencil your way through the labyrinth. 3) Write a ½ page reflection focusing on the following: Why is the path to Heaven challenging? Why is the easiest route not always the best?


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