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Get out and turn to your Dew point lab!

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Presentation on theme: "Get out and turn to your Dew point lab!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Get out and turn to your Dew point lab!
Stamp for completed “Dew Point Lab”

2 How many faces can you find?

3 V. Clouds & Precipitation

4 What type of air can hold more water vapor?
Cold or Warm

5 A. Cloud Formation 1. All clouds require 3 things: a. water vapor b. condensation nuclei- something for water to bond with c. cooling- air must be cooled below dew point

6 B. Temperature & Cloud Formation
Compression/high pressure- air is warmer than dew point, so evaporation occurs = No cloud Expansion/low pressure (air rising)- air temp. is lower than dew point, so condensation occurs = Cloud forms

7 C. Cloud Types 1. Cirrus- wispy, feathery high altitude clouds. a. Made of ice crystals


9 2. Stratus- flat, spread out layers. Low to middle altitude. a
2. Stratus- flat, spread out layers. Low to middle altitude. a. form through horizontal air movement


11 3. Cumulus- fluffy, rounded, medium altitude clouds. a
3. Cumulus- fluffy, rounded, medium altitude clouds. a. form through vertical air movement b. cumulus- “piled”


13 4. Cumulonimbus- large rain/storm cloud a. nimbo – “rain”



16 Cirrus Cumulunimbus stratus cumulus

17 D. Forms of Condensation
1. Frost- when the temp of the air is below 0°C, then the water vapor condenses as a solid.

18 2. Fog- cloud formation near Earth’s surface. a
2. Fog- cloud formation near Earth’s surface. a. Ground/radiation fog- during nighttime with sky clears, the ground loses heat rapidly by radiation. 1.) breeze mixes air at ground level 2.) air is cooled below the dew point and fog forms.


20 b. advection fog- when warm, moist air blows over a cool surface.


22 Seasons Bellringer Draw & label the following diagram below: Label:
Get a red textbook pg. 614 …………… In your Comp Book: What is climate? What TWO main factors describe climate? Why are there different seasons on Earth? Draw & label the following diagram below: Label: Winter Summer Fall Spring fall winter summer spring

23 On your own (red text book).
Read the pg (Chapter 17, section 2)

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