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Without an enzyme.

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Presentation on theme: "Without an enzyme."— Presentation transcript:

1 Without an enzyme

2 With an enzyme- The molecules can line up correctly and perform the reaction easily.

3 Enzymes are specific They have a certain shape that only fits one type of molecule.

4 How can an enzyme be reused repeatedly?

5 What happens when it is heated or placed in acid?
The shape of the enzyme changes and the molecules do not fit into the enzyme anymore.

6 4 Properties of Enzymes Enzymes speed up the rate of chemical reactions Enzymes are NOT used up in the chemical reaction Only small amounts are needed since they are recycled and reused

7 Enzymes are specific to one type of chemical reaction
Only lactose fits inside lactase 4) Enzymes are denatured (stop working because of shape change) when they are heated or placed in acid.

8 Enzyme Animations activity.html

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