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Professor Steven Litt Non-Disclosure Agreements: Key Elements In addition to typical contract elements (date, specific names.

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Presentation on theme: "Professor Steven Litt Non-Disclosure Agreements: Key Elements In addition to typical contract elements (date, specific names."— Presentation transcript:

1 Professor Steven Litt
Non-Disclosure Agreements: Key Elements In addition to typical contract elements (date, specific names of legal entities involved, etc) check for this: As the Contract Sponsor/ Host/ Client: Definition of ‘Confidential Material’ Obligation to Return/ Destroy Obligation for Diligent Safekeeping Jurisdiction Duration of Terms/ Contract Rights/ Limits of Assignment As the AGENCY: General or Prior Knowledge clause Steven What belongs in a NonDisclosure Agreement? At minimum, these elements: As the Contract Sponsor/ Host/ Client: Definition of ‘Confidential Material’; Obligation to Return/ Destroy; Obligation for Diligent Safekeeping; Jurisdiction; Duration of Terms/ Contract; Rights/ Limits of Assignment As the AGENCY: A ‘General or Prior Knowledge’ clause !

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