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04 Marital Application with Distinction and Destiny.

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2 04 Marital Application with Distinction and Destiny.
Ephesians 5:21-24 Apply with SUBMISSION

3 The Fall and the curse brought distortion
Distorting Women’s Proper Submission: The women want to “rule; control, urge, to compel, to seek to control over.” Distorting Men’s Proper Authority: The men want to ‘lord over,’ ‘domineer’

4 Understanding Submission
YEILDEDNESS: “in the Lord” ‘submitting yourselves one to another’ Heb 13:17; ‘Obey and be submissive’ Jms 4:7; ‘Therefore submit to God’ I Pt 2:13; ‘submit yourselves…for the Lord’s sake. I Pt 5:5 ‘submit yourselves to your elders’

5 Understanding Submission
YEILDEDNESS: “in the Lord” Your devotion to God is measured by your level of submission. Philippians 2:1-4 “Look out for the interests of others” Romans 12:10 “in honor preferring one another”

6 Understanding Submission
YOKING: “This is not a command to obey” This is not a “lording over” position. Voluntary response to God’s Will: Giving up of one’s independent rights It ordains the authority of God over our own authority or rights.

7 Understanding Submission
YEARNING: Modeling Christ like ness. “as to the Lord” This is a service of submission. “Christ is the Head of the Church” – no one argues the point, Christ is the head of responsibility; “Christ is the Savior of the Body” - the willing servant of the body, “Church is subject to Christ” – as an example of submission.

8 Life Steps We are prone to live out the distorted roles of the fall/curse in our marriage roles. We are called to Christlikeness: One giving themselves to the other. We are required to change the current trends We are responsible to change generational curses.

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