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Lesson Starter List some of the potential risks that growing babies are exposed to in the mother’s uterus Give examples of the skills that babys/children.

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Presentation on theme: "Lesson Starter List some of the potential risks that growing babies are exposed to in the mother’s uterus Give examples of the skills that babys/children."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lesson Starter List some of the potential risks that growing babies are exposed to in the mother’s uterus Give examples of the skills that babys/children learn as they grow? List the things humans need in order to grow and develop healthily

2 Biological actions in response to changes

3 The nervous system The nervous system is made up of: - The brain
- The spinal cord - nerves - associated organs

4 The nervous system Our nervous system is divided into two inter-
connected systems: The CENTRAL and PERIPHERAL nervous system

5 The nervous system The CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM is composed of the : BRAIN and SPINAL CORD


7 Control and communication
The CNS is the control Has control over the actions of the organism’s tissues and organs

8 The nervous system Information is gathered from outside the body
- What sort of information? - What do we use to gather it? The information is then processed and an appropriate response mounted

9 The CNS : The brain 3 main areas of the brain:
Made of millions of different neurones which allow info to be processed 3 main areas of the brain: - The Cerebrum - The Cerebellum - The Medulla Oblongata

10 The brain The Cerebrum Controls conscious thought, memory, reasoning and imagination

11 The brain The Cerebellum
Controls balance and co-odination of muscle action

12 The brain The Medulla Oblongata
Controls involuntary actions like heart rate, breathing and digestion

13 Show me boards

14 What is the name of the system that allows communication between organs?

15 Draw a nerve cell

16 What is the name given to each of the two inter-connected nervous systems?

17 Which parts make up the central nervous system?

18 What parts are included in the peripheral nervous system?

19 What are the 3 main areas of the brain?

20 What is the job of the cerebrum?

21 Which part of the brain controls breathing, heart rate and digestion?

22 What is the job of the cerebellum?

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