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The Labor Force.

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Presentation on theme: "The Labor Force."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Labor Force

2 Civilian Labor Force Total number of people 16 years and older who are either employed or are actively seeking employment.

3 Who is excluded from civilian labor force??
Individuals not able to work (prison, mental institutions, disabled) Armed forces Those not looking for a paying job (full-time students, homemakers)

4 Blue Collar Workers Craft workers; manufacturing; non-farm laborers

5 White Collar Workers Office workers; sales people; professionals (doctors, lawyers, engineers)

6 Pink Collar Workers Traditionally, jobs held by women
In recent years, more of these jobs are opening to men as well Ex - teachers, florists, hairstylists, nurses

7 Skilled v. Unskilled Workers
Skilled – one who has learned a trade or craft through either vocational school or as an apprentice Unskilled – those whose jobs require no specialized training There has been a trend to having semi-skilled workers, whose jobs require training in modern technology

8 Unemployment Rate Those who are without jobs but are actively looking for employment GOAL – keep the economy at full employment rate. Best is to have unemployment under 6.5%

9 Ways to unemployment harms society
Waste of human resource Reduces purchasing power/decrease in sales Increases government dependence Takes away from government income Reduce standard of living Disrupts families Take away feeling of self-respect

10 Types of unemployment Structural – caused due to technological advances (machine replaces man) Seasonal – caused by changes in the seasons or weather (construction, baseball, Christmas) Frictional – temporary unemployment b/c of firings, layoffs, search for new job, retraining Cyclical – associated with the business cycle…high in recession & low in expansion


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