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Title: Anat & Phys 2/26/07 Objectives: Class Topics . Digestive System

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1 Title: Anat & Phys 2/26/07 Objectives: Class Topics . Digestive System
12/5/2018 Title: Anat & Phys 2/26/07 Objectives: . Class Topics Digestive System Teeth Pharynx Swallowing Esophagus Upper GI tract lab "The pessimist sees difficulty in every opportunity. The optimist sees opportunity in every difficulty." Winston Churchill Wednesday, December 05, :13 PM

2 Class Assignments Upper GI tract lab 2/26/07
12/5/2018 Class Assignments What By When Upper GI tract lab 2/26/07 Upper GI tract quiz 2/28/07 Due this class period Due next class period Due in the future

3 Coming up Feb 26 Feb 28 March 2 Complete notes of upper GI tract
12/5/2018 Coming up Feb 26 Complete notes of upper GI tract Upper GI tract lab Feb 28 Upper GI tract quiz Tour de Stomach March 2 Complete Tour de Stomach Notes – Stomach, comparative anatomy with respect to digestion of cellulose (test essay topic)

4 Teeth (per jaw) Incisors (4) Cuspids (2) Bicuspids (4) Molars (6)
12/5/2018 Incisors (4) blade shaped - used to tear food Cuspids (2) Pointed teeth - used to tear food Bicuspids (4) 2 points - used to tear and grind food Molars (6) 4 points - used for grinding Last set called wisdom teeth Teeth (per jaw) From:

5 Teeth 16 teeth per jaw - 32 total (adult) Children - 20 teeth
12/5/2018 Teeth 16 teeth per jaw - 32 total (adult) Children - 20 teeth decidious or primary Covered in enamel (hardest material in the body) with dentin inside (second hardest material in the body)

6 From:
12/5/2018 From:

7 From:
12/5/2018 Pharynx Common region for air and food Nasopharynx region of the nasal cavity and pharynx Oropharynx region of the oral cavity and pharynx Laryngopharynx region of the larynx and pharynx From:

8 Swallowing 1. Form a bolus against hard palate
12/5/2018 Swallowing 1. Form a bolus against hard palate soft palate raises to block nasopharynx 2. Epiglottis folds over trachea 3. Bolus pushed toward stomach through esophagus by parastaltic waves takes 9 seconds to complete (average) If too dry, secondary contractions push bolus down

9 From:
12/5/2018 From: From:

10 Esophagus 24-30 cm tube for transport
12/5/2018 Esophagus 24-30 cm tube for transport large folds in mucosa allow for a large bolus to pass muscle tone keeps lumen shut Sphincter at end called cardiac (lower esophagael) sphincter

11 Cardiac Sphincter Keeps material in stomach
12/5/2018 Cardiac Sphincter Keeps material in stomach heartburn - sphincter not closed achalasia - sphincter doesn’t open region of esophagael hernia

12 Upper digestive tract lab
12/5/2018 Upper digestive tract lab Make sure you use bone snips and work back along the tongue Get physical with the cat - watch for teeth though!

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