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Trade Panel Panelists:

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Presentation on theme: "Trade Panel Panelists:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Trade Panel Panelists: Timothy Theberge, Lead Policy Analyst, U.S. Department of Labor Joe Rangitsch, Program Monitor Unit Supervisor, Workforce Services Division, Montana Department of Labor and Industry Patrick Campbell, Northern Regional Manager, Office of Employment and Training, Illinois Department of Commerce Marsha Chandler, TAA Fiscal and Reporting Program Operations Manager, Arkansas Governors Dislocated Worker Task Force

2 Office of Trade Adjustment Assistance
Tim Theberge – Lead Policy Analyst, U.S. DOL, Employment and Training Administration Focus on Outcomes Rural vs. Non-Rural Participants Older Workers Timeliness of Services Data Integrity Efforts Regulatory Update Dislocated Worker Showcase: AMERICA WORKS!

3 Trade Participants in Context
Dislocated Worker Showcase: AMERICA WORKS!

4 Rural vs Non-Rural Dislocated Worker Showcase: AMERICA WORKS!

5 Improving Outcomes for Rural Workers
Dislocated Worker Showcase: AMERICA WORKS!

6 Older Workers and Trade
Dislocated Worker Showcase: AMERICA WORKS!

7 Age and Outcomes Under Trade
Dislocated Worker Showcase: AMERICA WORKS!

8 Timeliness of Services
Dislocated Worker Showcase: AMERICA WORKS!

9 Rapid Response and Timeliness
Rapid Response Funding Total Authorized: $386,334,544 Total Expended: $69,176,863 Available: $317,157,681 Through: 12/31/2016 Dislocated Worker Showcase: AMERICA WORKS!

10 Montana: A Small State Perspective
Joe Rangitsch, Program Monitor Unit Supervisor The speed at which the employer is engaged Connection to Job Centers Ongoing case management by walking through examples of particular petitions Ex: Weyerheuser Petition.  Dislocated Worker Showcase: AMERICA WORKS!

11 The Kalispell Job Service Staff
Engaged the employer at the first rumors of pending layoffs Conducted onsite Rapid Response activities on all shifts at the plants Workers were connected to Job Centers Affected workers work with the same Job Service Staff from first Rapid Response encounter through case management   Dislocated Worker Showcase: AMERICA WORKS!

12 Illinois Department of Commerce, Office of Employment and Training
Patrick Campbell, Northern Regional Manager Trade Rapid Response Coordination Coordination of Commerce, Employment (IDES), and 22 LWIAs Outreach by IDES: Worker list from employer Inputs to system Notify workers Trade Rapid Response (TRR) meetings conducted by LWIAs Dislocated Worker Showcase: AMERICA WORKS!

13 Illinois Department of Commerce, Office of Employment and Training
Patrick Campbell, Northern Regional Manager Trade Rapid Response Coordination Outreach by LWIAs: additional rounds of invitations made for: “no shows” at initial TRR meeting Worker preferences: Trade meeting near former employer or near home “at risk” workers begin reemployment services/training while still threatened Commerce Finds: More information up-front results in: the less likelihood of missed deadlines, More people in training, and Faster re-entry into the workforce Dislocated Worker Showcase: AMERICA WORKS!

14 Illinois Department of Commerce, Office of Employment and Training
Patrick Campbell, Northern Regional Manager WIOA and Trade Co-enrollment 2004 Illinois Department of Commerce addressed Trade Case Management (TCM) TCM moved from IDES to the LWIA’s Cost of TCM reimbursed to the LWIA from a WIOA “1EC” grant Dislocated Worker Showcase: AMERICA WORKS!

15 Illinois Department of Commerce, Office of Employment and Training
Patrick Campbell, Northern Regional Manager WIOA and Trade Co-enrollment Enables “blending and braiding” resources to provide wrap-around services for customers’ training end employment Compliance Strengthened: due to Trade Merit Staff oversight of LWIA Trade Case Management Dislocated Worker Showcase: AMERICA WORKS!

16 Arkansas’ Best Practices for Trade
Rapid Response Initiates the Process Owner of communication with the Certified Company Requests and disseminates the Workers List Works with UI/LMI to pull report of UI Claimants for companies who won’t share information with Rapid Response Informational packet provided to every laid off worker Worker Assistance Workshop Held Dislocated Worker Showcase: AMERICA WORKS!

17 Arkansas’ Best Practices for Trade
Trade Certification Notification to workers Information Session Held Team approach allows staff to begin Assessment process at the Information Session Appointments made for follow-up sessions Dislocated Worker Showcase: AMERICA WORKS!

18 Arkansas’ Best Practices for Trade
Case Management Walk with client throughout program participation with goal of enabling the client to solve problems, make decisions, set and achieve goals vs. performing tasks for them. The outcome is the responsibility of the client. Following the process is the responsibility of the Case Manager. Minimum contact required of once every two weeks. Dislocated Worker Showcase: AMERICA WORKS!

19 Arkansas’ Best Practices for Trade
Outreach to Non-Participants encouraging their participation in the program. Follow-up with every client on the worker’s list that did not choose to take advantage of their Trade benefits. Letter mailed Signs posted in Local Offices with list of Certified Companies Intermittent staff placed Phone calls Dislocated Worker Showcase: AMERICA WORKS!

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