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Perseus The Original Avenger.

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Presentation on theme: "Perseus The Original Avenger."— Presentation transcript:

1 Perseus The Original Avenger

2 What is an avenger? When might someone or something need to be avenged? Is vengeance a good thing? How are Marvel’s Avengers good? Bad?

3 Perseus Vocabulary Avenger: someone who punishes another for a wrongdoing; person who seeks revenge Castaways: people lost, discarded, or abandoned Ghastly: shockingly horrible Obliged: pleased to help

4 Perseus Vocabulary Writhe: to squirm in pain or discomfort
Intrepid: brave and heroic Discus: circular disc thrown in an athletic competition

5 Characters In The Myth of Perseus
Acrisius - a-CHRIS-ee-aws Danaë - Duh-NIGH-ee Perseus - PER-see-us Zeus - ZOOS Dictys - DIK-tis Polydectes - Polly-DECK-teez Medusa -Muh-DOO-suh Athena - a-THEE-na Hermes - HER-meez Hades - HAY-deez Andromeda - an-DROM-eh-da

6 Characters In The Myth of Perseus
Cepheus - SEE-fee-us Cassiopeia - ka-see-uh-PEE-uh Phineus - FIN-ee-us

7 Gifts Athena - shield and magic leather bag
Hermes - sword, winged sandals, and hat Hades - cap of invisibility

8 MEDUSA Not so bad looking for a lady with snake hair?


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