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The Resurrections Part 2
Eschatology The Resurrections Part 2
The Multiplicity of Resurrections
The difference between the resurrections past and future is that the resurrections in the past restored to normal life leaving the individual to eventually die again. The resurrections of the future are permanent in character. Both the Old and New Testaments indicate multiple resurrections. (Dan. 12:1,2)
Our Lord taught multiple resurrections
Our Lord taught multiple resurrections. (John 5:25-29) Paul referenced this truth. (Acts 24:15) Revelation 20:4-6 distinguishes between the resurrection of the just (Luke 14:14) and those who are subject to the second death. There will be Tribulation martyrs who will be resurrected to reign with the church and Christ in the millennium. The balance of the human race will not live again until the end of the millennium. The first resurrection encompasses all the dead saints of all the ages, who in resurrected bodies will join Christ in His millennial reign.
Those who have part in the first resurrection will never be subject to the second death. They will enjoy eternal life with Christ. Those who are not part of the first resurrection, will experience the second death, which means eternal torment in the lake of fire. (Rev. 20:14,15) Every person who has ever lived will exist somewhere in eternity. (Isa. 26:19)
The Sequence of the Resurrections
Resurrection is a future event. There are no scriptural indications that individual resurrections are occurring in the church age. Signs were given to authenticate message and messenger until the canon of the Scriptures were completed. Resurrections served the purpose of validating the human instrument used by God to actuate the miracle. The widow of Zerephath – 1 Kings 17:24
Christ – Matthew 11:4-6 The coming resurrections have a specified order as taught by Paul. (1 Cor. 5:20-25) The first resurrection covers a span of many years simply because it begins with the resurrection of Christ who represents the firstfruits of the harvest. His resurrection was further proof of His position. (Rom. 1:4) Christ’s resurrection is the basis for the future hopes of the church. (1 Pet. 1:3-5; 2 Tim. 1:9,10)
The next phase of the first resurrection involves they that are Christ’s at his coming. References to the Rapture, its resurrection and translation of living believers is always given in the context of the church. Old Testaments saints simply are not named in any of these contexts. At the Rapture every deceased members of the body of Christ will experience a physical, bodily resurrection. The bodies received by those raised as well those who are alive on the earth at the time will be the new body for which we groan. (Rom. 8:17-26 ; Phil. 3:20,21; 1 Cor. 15:42-58)
The Tribulation will see a number of people brought to a saving knowledge of Christ through the various witnesses of truth (144,000, the two witnesses, etc.). Many of these will be martyred for their faith. (Rev. 6:9-11) These who suffer death either by violence or starvation will be resurrected in time to participate in the millennial reign of Christ. (Rev. 20:4)
What About the Old Testament Saints?
Answering that question begins with understanding the current state of these believers. See Eph. 4:8. The Old Testament saints currently reside in the same place and state as the departed New Testament saints. It is impossible to be dogmatic about the timing of the resurrection of the Old Testament saints. The choices are at the Rapture with the Church or at the end of the Tribulation with those saints.
The final resurrection, termed by some as the second resurrection, has absolutely nothing to do with believers. That it will be a resurrection is clarified by the statement of timing. By this time all the redeemed of all the ages will be very much alive. The only dead will be the unsaved. (Rev. 20:5) This is a resurrection preparatory for the final judgement. (Rev. 20:11-15) This will conclude the Day of the Lord and usher in eternity future.
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