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Unit 7 Cognition.

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1 Unit 7 Cognition

2 Unit 7 Layout Day 1 – Studying and Building Memory (Module 31)
Day 2 – Systems of Memory (Modules 32 & 33) Day 3 – Thinking, Concepts, and Creativity (Module 34) + Vocab Quiz Day 4 – Problem Solving and Decision Making (Module 35) Day 5 – Thought and Language (Module 36) Day 6 – Review and Unit 7 CUA

3 Module 34 – Thinking, Concepts, and Creativity
SWBAT define cognition, and discuss how we think – paying special attention to modern theories of thought, such as theories of concepts, prototypes, and schema, and discuss creative thinking, paying close attention to convergent/divergent thinking

4 Thinking and Concepts Cognition Concept Prototypes
The act of thinking – mental activities involved in knowing, remembering, and communicating Concept A mental grouping of similar objects, events, ideas, or people Concepts simplify our thinking -> a chair can mean “baby’s high chair”, “reclining chair”, “dentist’s chair” W/o concepts, we would need a different name for every person, event, and idea. Prototypes More people quickly agree that a “robin is a bird” than “a penguin is a bird”, because robins fit our mental prototypes of the concept “bird” Once an object is in a category in our heads, our mental memory shifts further toward our prototype Move away from prototypes, and categories blur

5 Creativity Creativity Two kinds of thinking Convergent thinking
The ability to produce ideas that are both novel and valuable Two kinds of thinking Convergent thinking Narrows available solutions to the SINGLE BEST solution This is what tests in school – including the STAAR, ACT, MCAT, LSAT, and GRE – try to measure Divergent thinking Widens the number of possible solutions i.e., how many uses can you think of for a brick?

6 The Five Facets of Creativity
Expertise – a developed base of knowledge gives us the basis for our mental building blocks Imagination – provides us the ability to see things in new ways, to recognize patterns, and make connections A risk-taking personality – ventures out to seek new experiences, tolerates uncertainty and risk, and works hard to overcome obstacles (shows grit) Intrinsic motivation – driven more by interest, satisfaction, and challenge; the pleasure of the work itself A creative environment – one that sparks, supports, and refines creative ideas; challenges you to work harder and better, supports when you perform well

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