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Log in using your AQ number and password

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Presentation on theme: "Log in using your AQ number and password"— Presentation transcript:

1 Using MyAquinas

2 Log in using your AQ number and password

3 Check your progress in subjects here
Name See your targets here. Check if there are any changes to your scheduled lessons here. Check your attendance and punctuality here.

4 Any messages from the college and your teachers appear here when you log in.

5 Get a detailed breakdown of your attendance in the attendance report

6 Access your exam timetable

7 Access your results from the day they are released

8 See all the nice things your teacher’s are saying about you in the ‘commendations’ section. These are ed home too!

9 Keep track of your progress meetings with your tutor

10 STAYING INFORMED You will soon receive an from us asking you to verify your personal address. You must do this otherwise you will not be kept informed! If the address you have given us is wrong then you must contact student reception to have it corrected. You can check this address on the ‘personal details’ section of MyAquinas.

11 COLLEGE ALERTS If the electronic attendance system believes you have missed three lessons then an automatic warning will be sent to you via and MyAquinas. You have four days to correct the attendance mark if you have a legitimate reason for doing so. E.g. you forgot to thumb in. You must speak to the tutor involved in order to have the mark corrected by them. After this time an /text will be sent to your parents informing them of the lessons you have missed and your group tutor will also be informed.

12 Final Thought "Make room for the new you. You may not have totally determined who the new you is going to be, but you probably have decided that there are some things about the current you, that you want to change. Well while you are working on what the new you will be, start 'cleaning out a room' for the new you to live in. Get rid of the junk in your life both physical and mental that doesn't fit you anymore. Take things out of your schedule that are taking your time away from finding out what you want to do. By making room for the new you, you will create a vacuum that the new you will rush in to fill and you will be on your way to the top." -- Edward W. Smith, Sixty Seconds To Success

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