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Worldwide distribution

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1 Worldwide distribution
Tidal Energy: Worldwide distribution Efficient technology Multiple benefits

2 The Current Situation Tidal Energy is sustainable, clean, reliable, widely distributed, and can offer significant benefits to many marine nations. Tidal Energy can be captured in an efficient and cost-effective way. Tidal Energy is not yet recognized by the United Nations as an energy resource that should receive support and funding for its development.

3 Tidal Energy is a clean, renewable source of energy--such as solar, wind, biofuels, and low-head hydro-- and deserves official international support and funding for its development.

4 The Worldwide Distribution of Tidal Energy

5 World Map of the Distribution of Tidal Energy
Red areas show most intense tidal energy

6 ________________________________________
Developing Nations that could receive significant benefits from Tidal Energy ________________________________________ Indian Ocean: Comoros, Madagascar, Maldives, Seychelles. Asia: China, India, Indonesia, Korea, Philippines, Vietnam. Pacific Ocean: Fiji, Kiribati, Micronesia, Palau, Papua New Guinea, Samoa, Solomon Islands, Timor, Tuvalu, Vanuatu. Central and South America: Argentina, Brazil, Ecuador, Guyana, Panama, Surinam. Atlantic Ocean: Cape Verde. All coastal nations with tidal passes between coral reefs or offshore islands.

7 Significant benefits from using Tidal Energy include:
Electrification of isolated communities Generation for the grid Regrowth of coral reefs using mineral accretion technology Substitution of imported petroleum used to generate electricity

8 Efficient technology to capture Tidal Energy is already cost-effective

9 using the helical turbine
Tidal Energy can be captured efficiently and inexpensively using the helical turbine Prof. Alexander Gorlov of Northeastern University with the helical turbine he invented and perfected

10 Schematic view of the helical turbine mounted in a frame.

11 Features of the Helical Turbine:
Basic Concept designed for hydroelectric applications in free-flowing water operates in ocean, tidal, and river currents does not require expensive dams that can harm the environment

12 Features of the Helical Turbine
Operation self-starting with flow as low as 0.6 m/s smooth-running rotates in same direction regardless of the direction of flow, making it ideal for tidal applications

13 Features of the Helical Turbine
35% Efficiency

14 Features of the Helical Turbine
Power increases 8 times when velocity doubles I Knot = 1.69 ft/sec I M/sec = 3.28 ft/sec Source: GCK Technology

15 Features of the Helical Turbine Installation Cost: dollars/kw
Red: high estimate Blue: low estimate Source: GCK Technology, Inc.

16 Multiple Benefits from Tidal Energy

17 Multiple Benefits from Tidal Energy.
_______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Practical Examples: Electrification of isolated communities Power for the grid Regrowth of coral reefs using mineral accretion technology

18 The Tide-Energy project near the mouth of the Amazon
1) Electrification of Isolated Communities: The Tide-Energy project near the mouth of the Amazon Rural residents with a 6-blade helical turbine

19 The Tide-Energy project near the mouth of the Amazon:
a simple generating package (c) Automotive alternator (b) Pulley and belt (a) 6-blade helical turbine

20 The Tide-Energy project near the mouth of the Amazon: simple, accessible, affordable technology
The helical turbine rotates on a shaft with a pulley that runs an alternator by means of a belt. The alternator charges batteries for household use, as is usual with other intermittent sources— solar and wind—when used off the grid. Accessible: About 90% of a tide-powered station can be built using locally-available labor, materials, and equipment. Only the technically-refined helical turbine blades are outside components.

21 The Tide-Energy project near the mouth of the Amazon: simple, accessible, affordable technology
Under local natural and economic conditions: The investment in installation and equipment of a tide-energy station is only 50% of the comparable solar option. That investment is similar to the cost of a small, diesel-powered boat, which thousands of people in the region already own. The operating costs of a tide-energy station are less than 60% of those of the comparable diesel option.

22 2) Power for the Grid The Uldolmok Strait Pilot Project in Korea
1m x 2.5m GHT from GCK Technology, Inc.

23 The Uldolmok Channel Pilot Project in Korea Results and perspectives:
Testing of the Gorlov Helical Turbine manufactured by GCK Technology, Inc. was performed by the Korea Ocean Research & Development Institute (KORDI). Successful tests were carried out In 2002 using a 1m diameter Gorlov Helical Turbine which produced about 10kW in a 4 knot flow. As a result of these trials, a larger GHT (2.2m diameter, 2.5m length) was designed and manufactured by GCK and successfully tested by KORDI in 2004 The GHT has also been successfully tested on floating platforms off of Long Island, NY and in the Merrimack River in Massachusetts.

24 not need to be in close proximity to end-users.
3) Generation of hydrogen for fuel cells from the electrolysis of water from tidal currents that do not need to be in close proximity to end-users. Detail of the Farm 4 3 Projected Power Farm 1 2 The Gorlov Helical Turbine modules can be assembled in large-scale power farms, as depicted in the artist’s conception above.

25 4) Regrowth of Coral Reefs Using Biorock Technology: Karang Lestari coral reef and fisheries restoration project, Indonesia

26 Before: Severe erosion
Biorock shore protection project at Ihuru Island, Maldives, turned a severely eroding beach into meters (50 feet) growth in a few years Before: Severe erosion

27 Biorock reef in front of the beach uses electricity to grow solid limestone rock on a steel frame and to grow corals. This slows down waves, causes sand to settle, and attracts fish.

28 Tidal energy can grow Biorock reefs to protect whole islands from sea
A few years later: beach has grown 15 meters (50 ft.). Tidal energy can grow Biorock reefs to protect whole islands from sea level rise, while restoring their coral reefs and fisheries

29 Biorock’s technology speeds the growth of coral reefs 3-5 times and increases survival from severe high temperature times. This rapidly increases fish populations and creates ecotourism attractions. Biorock’s technology can be used to regrow dying coral reefs throughout the world, build coastal protection, restore fisheries, and create mariculture resources. Biorock’s technology has been proven in field tests in more than 20 Caribbean, Pacific, Indian Ocean, and Southeast Asian countries. Tidal Energy often found around coral reefs and atolls can be used with Biorock’s technology to regrow reefs in an inexpensive, low-maintenance way using the helical turbine.

30 Conclusions Tidal Energy is sustainable, clean, and reliable.
Tidal Energy is widely distributed and can offer significant benefits to many coastal nations. Tide Energy can be captured in a practical, efficient, cost-effective way. Tidal Energy deserves to be included on the list of sources of sustainable energy supported and funded by CSD, GEF, UNDP, IEA, UNIDO, CDM, etc.

31 Contact Information Thomas J. Goreau, Ph.D. President Global Coral Reef Alliance 37 Pleasant Street Cambridge MA USA +1 (617) Scott D. Anderson, Ph.D. Coordinator The Tide-Energy Project near the Mouth of the Amazon +1 (352) (mobile) Mr. Edward L. Kurth President and General Counsel GCK Technology, Inc. 607 Bluff Cliff Drive San Antonio, TX 78216 +1 (210) Prof. Alexander M. Gorlov Chief Technology Officer GCK Technology, Inc. 607 Bluff Cliff Drive San Antonio, TX 78216 +1 (617)

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