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Modifying Rib Rail Placement for the Powered Roll Gin Stand: Results from Studies Conducted on a Retrofitted Lummus Gin Stand Greg Holt, USDA-ARS, Lubbock,

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Presentation on theme: "Modifying Rib Rail Placement for the Powered Roll Gin Stand: Results from Studies Conducted on a Retrofitted Lummus Gin Stand Greg Holt, USDA-ARS, Lubbock,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Modifying Rib Rail Placement for the Powered Roll Gin Stand: Results from Studies Conducted on a Retrofitted Lummus Gin Stand Greg Holt, USDA-ARS, Lubbock, TX J. Weldon Laird, USDA-ARS (Retired) Tom Wedegaertner, Cotton Inc., Cary, NC

2 Background PRGS initially developed to remove residual lint from cottonseed for the EasiFlo process. Due to lint properties obtained from reginning seed, the stand was modified for seed cotton. Initial prototype and field model(s) were on Continental Eagle gin stands

3 Background (cont.) Success retrofitting other makes of gin stands inconsistent. Led to speculations that the technology was only applicable to Cont. Eagle gin stands. Investigation into performance problems found rib angle and gin point as primary differences.

4 Objectives Evaluate if other gin rib configurations in a retrofitted Lummus-116 improved performance (Study 1). If 1st study promising, conduct optimization study to determine optimal gin rib configuration(s) (Study 2).

5 Procedures – Studies 1 & 2 Evaluate retrofitted Lummus-116
Single variety of cotton (PM2326) Modify rib angle and gin point Collect moisture, lint, and seed samples and recorded production data Set PRGS controls for constant speeds and load.

6 Schematic of Powered Roll Gin Stand
Seed Finger Roll Gin Saw Paddle Roll

7 Procedures – Studies 1 & 2 Evaluate retrofitted Lummus-116
Single variety of cotton (PM2326) Modify rib angle and gin point Collect moisture, lint, and seed samples and recorded production data Set PRGS controls for constant speeds and load.

8 Procedures – Studies 1 & 2 Evaluate retrofitted Lummus-116
Single variety of cotton (PM2326) Modify rib angle and gin point Collect moisture, lint, and seed samples and recorded production data Set PRGS controls for constant speeds and load.

9 Powered Roll Gin Front Rib Rail & Spacer Initial Gin Stand Frame Guide Roller

10 Setup 1 (original)

11 Setup 2

12 Procedures – Studies 1 & 2 Evaluate retrofitted Lummus-116
Single variety of cotton (PM2326) Modify rib angle and gin point Collect moisture, lint, and seed samples and recorded production data Set PRGS controls for constant speeds and load.

13 Data Collected Moisture samples – Feeder apron
Lint Samples (AFIS & HVI) – BLC & ALC Seed Samples – Below gin stand Control system data – kW & amps Gin rate and Turnout

14 Procedures – Studies 1 & 2 Evaluate retrofitted Lummus-116
Single variety of cotton (PM2326) Modify rib angle and gin point Collect moisture, lint, and seed samples and record production data Set PRGS controls for constant speeds and load.

15 Powered Roll Gin Control Settings
Paddle Roll Speed = 208 rpm Saw Speed = 830 rpm Seed Finger Speed = 26 rpm Paddle Roll Load = 17.5 amps

16 Experimental Design Study 1 Study 2 6 treatments * 3 reps = 18 runs
Completely Randomized - ANOVA Study 2 9 treatments - 22 runs Face-Centered Central Composite Design

17 Results – Study 1

18 Results – Study 2

19 Results – Study 2 Lint (%) Residual Spacers (in) Roller Diameter (in)
1.04 Lint (%) 0.84 0.64 Residual 0.44 1.656 1.688 1.563 1.516 1.469 1.344 Spacers (in) Roller Diameter (in) 1.375 1.172 1.281 1.000

20 Results – Study 2

21 Conclusions Initial theory of installing PRGS on existing gin stands involved only a new front was in error. The retrofitted Lummus-116 needed to have the rib angle reduced by 4 deg. & gin point moved up 0.5 in. Additional studies needed to refine design space as much as possible.

22 Conclusions (cont.) Evaluate using more varieties and differing load settings. Additional items such as rib curvature, roll box dimensions, and paddle and seed finger roll placement warrant further investigation.

23 Thank You

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