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One-page Memoir Purpose: To write about a memorable or important experience that defines or shapes you as a person.

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Presentation on theme: "One-page Memoir Purpose: To write about a memorable or important experience that defines or shapes you as a person."— Presentation transcript:

1 One-page Memoir Purpose: To write about a memorable or important experience that defines or shapes you as a person.

2 Pre-write One-page memoir: unlocking the mystery of you:
create a list of ten events in your life so far that you would like to remember when you are older (experiences that shaped you in some way).

3 Select one of those events and using looping, write about that experience.
Looping strategy: Select one interesting word from the first sentence and incorporate it into the next sentence. Continue this looping until you have a paragraph going. Quick Write

4 Flip through your phone and select three pictures (selfies or otherwise) that speaks to the type of life you lead (how you chose to spend your time, what you are passionate about, what you believe in, etc.) Pre-write

5 Using the looping strategy, draft a page describing this photo and what it says about you.
Quick Write

6 Make a list of five things you would absolutely never do.

7 Take one of those things on your list that you would never do and relate it to an experience you’ve had. Using the looping strategy, write a paragraph about that thing and experience. Quick Write

8 Models of Memoirs Read some selections of popular memoirs and discuss.
Take notes on what writers of memoirs do to make their stories or ideas interesting. Ticket Out: What are a reader’s expectations of a memoir? Add to your writer’s notebook. Models of Memoirs

9 In your writer’s notebook, open up to a new page and label it “parts of speech.”
Define nouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs. List some strong and weak examples. Parts of Speech

10 Look through the pre-writes from yesterday and select an idea, experience, story, etc. from one of them that you like and begin drafting. You can use whatever you have from the quick writes. Revise as your write, using stronger nouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs. Drafting

11 Revising Share your draft with a peer at your writing table.
In reviewing your peer’s work, you should put your name at the top. Highlight any strong parts of speech that the author should definitely keep. Highlight any weak parts of speech that the author should revise. Revising

12 Revising In your writing groups, share with a new person today.
Question Flood: Ask your peer five questions about their memoir as you read it, such as “who is this person” or “what was the weather like” or “how were you feeling?” Revising

13 Revising S- substitute two words for better ones
T- take out two words, phrases, or sentences that are not that engaging or don’t move the memoir forward A- add two details from the question flood R- rearrange two sentences or paragraphs Please mark each revision with a corresponding letter. Revising

14 Log in to last year’s turnitin
Log in to last year’s account (if you don’t remember your password, you can reset it using your ). Sign up

15 Once logged in, use the following enrollment ID and password to get signed up for my class. sign-up

16 Once in my class, please submit a blank document to the first assignment for points. Follow my directions on how to do so. Sign-up

17 Add to your writer’s notebook: Were the revision activities helpful to you? Why or why not?
Ticket Out

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