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Warm-Up List the 7 characteristics of civilization and give and example of each of them. You may get out of your seat to get a book then return to your.

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Presentation on theme: "Warm-Up List the 7 characteristics of civilization and give and example of each of them. You may get out of your seat to get a book then return to your."— Presentation transcript:

1 Warm-Up List the 7 characteristics of civilization and give and example of each of them. You may get out of your seat to get a book then return to your seat ASAP. This may be picked up for a grade if everybody is not on task.

2 Good Behavior Raffle For a week where you do not get a verbal warning, you will be entered into a raffle on Friday for Candy of your choice to be brought Monday. (KING SIZE if Possible).

3 A Real OC: Original Civilization.
Mesopotamia A Real OC: Original Civilization.

4 Mesopotamia Earliest of all civilization.
Greek word that means “ between the rivers.” The rivers were the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers in Iraq. Civilization lasted 3,000 years Accomplishments: writing, development of math, invented the wheel, and working with metal.

5 The Setting: Geography
Little rainfall Hot and Dry climate Crazy flooding patterns in the spring( sporadic and unpredictable) No stone or timber resources.

6 Why live there? Natural levee's created
High and safe flood plains for towns. Made irrigation and canal construction easy The surrounding swamps were full of fish ( served as food).

7 The story: An Overview Over the centuries many different people lived in this area and were the dominant power. Sumer-southern part( BCE) Akkad- northern part ( BCE_ Babylonia- Unified north and south ( BCE) Assyria-Assyrian Empire ( BCE)

8 Religion Polytheistic religion: consist of over 3600 gods and demigods
Position of King was enhanced and supported by religion( they were endowed by the gods) Each god ruled a certain part of their lives. Kings and priests acted as interpreter as they told the people what the god wanted them to do.

9 Places of Religion: Ziggurats
Large temples dedicated to god of the city. Made from layers of mud bricks in the shape of pyramid. A room for food and goods. Famous ziggurat was Tower of Babel ( over 100m above ground and 91m base)

10 Social Order Kings Priests
Skilled craftspeople, merchants, and traders Large working class of farmers and laborers Slaves Note: slaves in any society are always at the bottom.

11 Governments of Mesopotamia
Mesopotamia was not a singular nation like we see today, but instead was a collection of city-states.

12 Sumerians Produced 3 main crops( barley, dates, and sesame seed)
Developed cuneiform writing. First city in the world Created the wheel. Rented land from priest( gods owned the land)

13 Akkadians Capital at Akkad.
Unified lower Mesopotamia through military conquest. (2331 BCE). Barbarians conquered Akkadians in 2200 BCE.

14 Babylonians 1830 BCE: reunited Mesopotamia
They had an advantage due to it's central location. Individuals could own land themselves ( first time ever) Trade happen through grain currency rather than bartering products. LEGACY: HAMURABI'S CODE

15 Hammurabi's Code Code of 282 laws inscribed in stone pillar placed in public place for all to see. Punishment was designed to fit the crimes as people must be responsible for own actions. “Eye for an eye” Consequence for crime depended on social rank in society( only fines for nobility).

16 Assyrians ( BCE) Assyria emmerged as dominant force of the North. First professional army which gave them the ability to kick tail. Superior weapons made of iron.

17 City-States Contributions.
Sumerians Irrigation techniques. Bartering trade Writing-cuneiform ziggurats Assyria Used Iron to create superior weapons. Paid soldiers for more effective army. Babylon Private ownership Calendar system for 12 month Hammurabi's Law

18 Mesopotamia's Legacy. Codified laws Ziggurats Cunieform Irrigation
Metal working Wheel Writing

19 Quick Quiz 1) Mesopotamia is in what present day country? 2) Who were the two highest social groups in Mesopotamia? 3) Why were ziggurats made? 4) What was the name of the writing created by sumerians? 5) What is the saying we use to remember Hamurabi's Code?

20 Asking all them Questions!!! DBQ.
Questions for HC Questions for “Reign of Sargon” 1) In the code of Hammurabi, why does Hammurabi feel justified in setting forth this law code. 2) What are 3 penalties within Hammurabi’s code? What are the crimes for each penalty? 3) Do they seem to0 harsh to be fair? Why or Why not?( at least 3 sentences) 1) Did Sargon establish “order”? How do you know this? 2) Does the chronicle( essay) look favorably to Sargon’s reign? Provide at least one piece of evidence from the passage to back your claim.

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