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GWD Framing Workshop Slides

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1 GWD Framing Workshop Slides
Oct 14, 2008

2 Cross industry group finding right mix of solutions to get liquid out of gas wells Reactive Proactive Advance Technology Current Idea Development R&D Creation Vett New Brainstorming GWD issues with different companies Transfer Specific Focus Invite Drilling Engineers Include Well Planners

3 Bring Together Funding for the Perfect Liquid Pump for Gas Wells Make Worthy Better Participation From the Whole Committee GA Well Liquid Loading Facilitate Safe / Conference Meeting Organize Into Sub- groups Leadership Protect Well Bore Industry

4 Cover cost of running Conference ROI Scholarships to Students

5 Show Goods & Services to Industry Exhibition Generate Papers Keynoters QC Papers Coauthoring No Commercialism Best Practices Case Studies Lessons Learned Recommended Practices Standard Operating Procedures Training Advanced New

6 Internship Recruiting Place for Grad Students to Present (advertising) Active participation From Students Attendee Involvement Satisfaction Attendee Topic Interest Networking Contacts Follow up with Breakout Session R&D Opportunities Promote Industry Recognition Formal Recognition of Committee Members Sponsor Recognition

7 Promote GWD Workshop Worldwide ALRDC Who? Bring in many more International Participants Affiliation with SPE or API Advertising Advertising Marketing Products Solutions

8 Topics Automation Optimization Safe Comfortable Facilities Knowledge
Sharing Sharing Ideas Panels – let many People share Breakouts – Opportunity To Discuss in Detail

9 Topics Automation Optimization Safe Comfortable Facilities Knowledge
Sharing Sharing Ideas Panels – let many People share Breakouts – Opportunity To Discuss in Detail Brainstorm on Industry Needs Funding for Technology Learn about needs that need Development Knowledge Sharing Technology Sharing

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