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Difficulties encountered by disabled entrepreneurs - Supporting the entrepreneurship of people with disabilities.

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Presentation on theme: "Difficulties encountered by disabled entrepreneurs - Supporting the entrepreneurship of people with disabilities."— Presentation transcript:

1 Difficulties encountered by disabled entrepreneurs - Supporting the entrepreneurship of people with disabilities

2 Most people with disabilities…
Prefer not to apply for microcredit, even if it is available locally Are able to adapt and learn quickly Are risk-averse, afraid to lose what they have Consider a loan as a last resort Do not know how to approach an MFI Have had unhappy experiences in approaching offices Mersland

3 Most people with disabilities…
Are misinformed about MFIs and existing MF products May wait for specific programmes Who were denied access to a loan believe it is because of their impairment (even if the real reason is business capacity) May have higher operational costs in their activity Mersland

4 Difficulties Internal External In accessing funding
In managing a business

5 Solutions Internal External In accessing funding
In managing a business

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